11 March 2008

For Sale

For Sale
Approximately 1.5 Sq. Miles of Territory in Tempe, AZ. Currently patrolled a minimum of two times daily by Wire Fox Terrier with assistance from JRT and humans. Diligence required to keep the cats in line and other dogs off this property.
Price is reasonable. JRT willing to stay with new owner. Trade available for similar area in Memphis, TN. Prefer area in mid-town near Rhodes college.
Relocating for Dad's job.
Also available, one large home on 1/3 of an acre, and one consignment shop. This can be a great package deal.
Respond via comment to this blog.
regulatory agencies require that full disclosure of temperature averages during summer months be included with this posting. Temperatures can reach 100 degrees in April. Temperatures exceeding 100 degrees are common in May, June, July, August, and September. October temperatures may also reach 100 degrees. But, it is a dry heat.


Kyanite said...

Just as I was thinking your climate made you, a perfect place to visit, you're moving!!!
But where???
And poor Teka, how could you leave that little mite behind?

By the way whats the price?
I am planning to relocate from Dreamingspires, to wet & windy here!

Pats & pets

Peanut said...

Oh Gus sorry about the moving. It is no no fun. Hopefully you like it in Memphis.

Dandy Duke said...

Hey Gussie,
I bet it snows in TN!
Paws are crossed that your house sells soon for you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

omdog you are leaving?!?!?! HOLY CRAP can we add Tanner into the deal?? Why are you guys leaving?!?!!!

BenTheRotti said...

oh no moving?? .. have you run around and dug up all the bones/toys/shoes etc you have buried??

Well.. I bet the move is a good one .. so paws crossed it all sells quickly.

love, licks and tail wags,

Ben xxxx

Cassidy said...

Oooh, a house move sounds like lots of work. Maybe you can help by shredding lots of paper for the packing boxes, me likes doing that.

Cassidy x

Stanley said...

Hey, Gussie man!

Tell your mama we would buy it all if it meant you would come be permanent residents of GooberStan. Your dad could found our university if he wants, or he could be my philosopher in residence. (Just a thought).

Hope your move is smooth and that Teka finds her way into the car before you motor on off to TN. She'd DIE without you to torment, man.

Goober love & smooches,

Patience-please said...

WE think you'll just love Memphis! And you'll be everso close to us now. It is a good thing you are used to the heat, because it gets a little steamy around these parts, and it is NOT a dry heat.

welcoming wags from the whippets

wally said...

WHOA! Wow! Moving! I was also going to tell you about the heat (my sissy Morgan is from there) but then I remembered you visit St. Louis with some regularity!

My ma ape is interested about your dad's job but she is BO-RING. I want to hear about your new patrolling territory.


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hmm...dry 100 degree heat...we'd move too and not so sadly!!! That's really hot, Gussie...

BUT...or perhaps I should say BUTT um...well, Gus you're movin' in to HUMIDITY...
and your butt er fur has a tendency to um CURL.

I think you mite need to buy a fur straightener before ya leave. And train Teka to do those pesky hard to reach areas...

The bright side...ur gonna have Fall again...it's the best time of the year, in our humble opinions....


Asta said...

Don't be sad
I'm happy cause you'll be closew to me and lots of ouw fwiends on this coast..and I don't think you could evew have too many cuwls, so bwing on the hoomidity!!!
Only Muzzew might not like it so much.
smoochie kisses

Ivy said...

oh gussie! i hate moving! i hope yours goes well and i dont think you shud offer to stay wif the peepol who buy the place. they probly wont be half as cool as your muzzer and it can be a long way to walk to memphis.

Agatha and Archie said...

Gussie!!!!! You will have fall and maybe a little winter(we are not too sure about that part) AND isn't that ELVIS country??(we are not too sure about that either) We hope you sell everything quicklyLove A+A(call if you need any help packing up)

Asta said...

Whewe awe you??
Awe you packing aweady??ow awe you home alone with Dad while Muzzew is in St Loulis??
Ihope you'we OK
smoochie kisses,Asta

Deanna said...

Ugh! No thanks!