Well, we are still in St. Loulis, and still searching for the Easter Bunny.
You know, it is amazing how that rabbit gets around.

Me and Dad went back here to search again
But the only thing we saw was Albert Pujols hitting a grand slam, and this funny looking fellow, who is clearly not a rabbit.

We have pictures of him with E.Rabbit, and with E.Beth, and I am quite surprised that a bird his age is still working at the ball park. But dad said something about 401Ks not being so good anymore for anybody, and after all, this guy does have a seasonal job. Maybe he isn't even eligible for Social Scurity.
Muzzer made the ultimate sacrifice, and took me to the mall to see

if we could find the Easter Bunny there. We found lots of cards and candies, and some stuffies that I felt were quite interesting. However, I was not allowed to 'splore their potential for 'splosions.
We also found this guy. The one with the shifty eyes. I knew right away that HE was not the Easter Bunny. But I did not tell any of the little children waiting in line to get their photos taken with him.
note to self: Explore possible Mall Terrier photo booths. We are cuter than that raggedy looking rabbit.So, I am prevailing upon Teka to take up the flag and fly with it. I have enlisted
the help of my pal Butchy to fly her in his little yellow plane, and Scooter and Tanner Doofus are sharing the burden.
Teka is still not happy about this. She says she will not be responsible for broken eggs or melted chocolate, and if Butcho doesn't straighten up and fly right, he is in for trouble.
Me? Oh, I am spending the weekend in Ioway with my special cuddle bunny, the lovely miss Snickers. And I suggest that if you see a small yellow plane flying below the radar and off track, duck! Duck Fast and pray she doesn't open the bomb doors.