Group photo of us having a great time
at honorooroooooo
(any of these can be bigified by clicking on
them, but Blogger is not cooperating with me tonight!)

Asta and I are part of the welcome committee!
This is wonderful, because we can greet our friends as they
arrive. Asta has been kissing each guest and giving them a lei from
around her neck. I hope we don't run out!

Isn't she marvelous?
There is NO DANCE this
wonderful girl cannot master.

I'm thinking that a few of these
have helped her relax.
I'm also hoping that they make
my ukulele playing sound better to
the crowd. I've been hearing
murmurs that I may be furry
but I am no Elvis!

Aloha my friends, join the party
tomorrow for more fun. Right
now I am enjoying the company, the sunset
and our wonderful friends.
I would like to thank Asta's Mommi
who offered to let us use these
photos she had prepared. Please stop by
what a wonderful job she did.
Affirmation is a wonderful thing.