OK. Yesterday while I was at the dog spa getting clipped, dipped and squeezed, my no good human parents took Teka to Stony Point.
Stony Point is not far from our house. Both of my Sissies have been there, and Mom and Dad go there every once in a while to look for "stuff." Plus, there is a Three Dog Bakery there, so every time they go we get treats and goodies. (Three Dog is on the left hand side of this photo, it has the dog out front.) Stony Point is "animal friendly" which means that most stores which do not sell human food let dogs come inside, and there are water bowls and treat stops.
AnyWay! Their excuse for abandoning me and taking Teka on this outing was " so we can see how well her socialization training is working!"
YEAH. Right.
So off they went like the naive and trusting humans they are, and they were feeling pretty good about their experiment. Got past a Great Dane without Teka attacking. Walked past a couple of Bernese with no ill effects. Had a bit of a moment when she spotted the Westie and the Westie spotted her, but hey...they are terriers after all.
So, they were supposed to be Christmas shopping for the sissies. And they went into Dillards and back to the pajama department, because it is kind of a "thing" for the muzzer to get the children pajamas for Christmas. So. ..... Teka takes one look around, sees there are no pajamas with Jack Russells on them, and takes a BIG (I mean Gussie sized!) poop dump on the carpet.
Now, y'all don't know the parents around here. But they are pretty uptight, and look very Republican and proper. (Even though they are not either, but that is another story and maybe Emily will help me type it at Christmas time.) Can people in their 60s still Blush? Ummmm Yeah Shur, you Betcha!
So, as Teka tells the end of this, Dad picked her up, Muzzer picked up the poop in her handy dandy bio degradable environmentally proper baggie, and they both left the store by the nearest exit. Wish I had been there to take a photo ;)
Hehehehe...Teka spent the rest of the visit in the car. Did the sissies ever get their pajamas? Only time will tell, but muzzer and dad did come home with little umbrellas from their drinks at Starbucks. (and I know they don't put umbrellas in the drinks there, because Miss Lacie told me!)
See. They took the wrong doggie. But I get to go next time, Muzzer said.
kisses to all