Muzzer is still trying to find a toy that I cannot destroy in under seven minutes. Today she brought home this really cute bone thingy. It was all bright colors and squeaked (45 seconds). I thought it was rather intriguinging, because it tasted kind of like those rubbery toy things, but it had a soft foam underbody. Well, you know me...in the interest of scientific research I had to get to that foamy stuff and see if it tasted good.
Time...under4 minutes.
Result...bye bye bone!
Here are before and after pictures for your review.

nicely done, gus. That might be a new personal best?
Good job brutha!!
sistah dear, my personal best is still that stuffed soccer ball you got me for Christmas, but that was before any of you knew me very well, and so I don't count it as an achievement, but a lesson in terrierism.
Axel my friend...praise from you is twice valued because of your own prowess.
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