Here is a picture of me, Gussie at my new favorite spot for carrying out my responsibilities as our neighborhood watch enforcer dog. I spend much of my "work at home time" here, keeping an eye on things on our street. From my vantage point I can see people walking on our street, with or without dogs attached, I can guard against rascally cats, I can see cars drive down the street and bark if they are going too fast! (and most of them are)
If there were squirrels in our neighborhood, I could guard against squirrels too! Did I mention that I hate squirrels? So does my new friend Ivy ! She has a blog with neat links to squirrelly sites. Click on her blog for the links, it is on my blog list, or will be shortly.
Sometimes, I let my niece Teka help me with all my responsibilities. It is sort of on the job training for her. So far, she is VERY good at the barking part. She is not very good at the part where you stop barking. Sometimes we have to russle and tussle before she stops. But, I will continue working with her so that when she and E.beth move

Today when the moving guys came to bring our furniture back from the storage locker, Teka and I practiced our vigilant watchfulness on them. We must not have been very convincing, because they kept telling dad what cute dogs we are! That was not the desired effect! Must put more muscle into my barking. Must learn to make menacing noises. GRRR! Must get groomed so people take me more seriously.
By the way, thanks to all of you for voting for my friend George! He won the contest. Congratulations, George. I found his contest on Axel's website. Axel is always up to the minute on what is happening in the land of terriers. Thanks Axel!
Well, gonna post this and work on setting up the link to Ivy! She may not be a terrier, but she is really smart, and most important, she doesn't like squirrels either!
Gussie the Mussie
It looks like you and Teka do a great job of guarding the house, Gus. But if you see a grey and white cat, you should be nice to him, because he's your prodigal brother.
Glad to see you are getting so much use out of your tacky tourista bandana! Ole! Do you dress yourself or does somebody else?
I shouldn't talk - I am stuck wearing a t-shirt this morning that says "bitches love me". I thought I had this t shirt thing beat - I made sure I peed on the bottom part when I lifted my leg. Mommy just hemmed them and now I can't.
What's a dog to do, huh?
Bussie Kissies
Prodigal??? Does that mean he was like Teka and peed on the floor a lot?? I will watch for him. I watch for ALL cats!
Yeah, I've been wearing my tacky bandana a lot recently, but at least my bandage is no longer pink!
the back of the couch is my fave guarding spot too. I just posted a pic of me in action on my blog so check it out. Your window looks a lot cleaner than mine!
Love your pal,
Hey Axel:
That is just because my muzzer has a Noni who comes in on Thursdays to play with me and with Teka Tu! Sometimes Noni washes windows and runs the big loud sucking machine! But mostly me and Teka keep her busy playing. My muzzer says having a Noni is a privilege of old age!
your pal Gussie
muzzer says I can order some new duds when I stop chewing my foot long enough to get groomed! Those bandanas are cute, but my toes are yummy!
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