And the end result. People, I am nekkid. I am clipped down to nothing with pink skin showing through my fluff! I am unhappy. I am embarrassed. I am reduced to wearing my sweater in Arizona in September.
Muzzer is in the doghouse! She is sleeping on the floor tonight! She arranged this and she shall pay!
Sheesh. I don't care if it was a good cause that she bought this gift certificate from. It did not have a Positive Impact on my self image.
And she expects me to go to the store with her! Everyone is going to laugh. I am mortified.
But I am scoring pretty heavily in the treat department, and even guilted her out of a couple of scallops for dinner!
I may grow out by Christmas. But when Travis comes next week, he is going to roll on the floor laughing, and I am going to have to beat him up!
And to make it all worse, they put a little blue bow on me! Go ahead, laugh. Get it over with now.

I think you look quite handsome, Gus. And the blue bow will look very nice with your sweater.
Hey, at least you have some fluff on your legs. They took everything off me!
Bussie Kissies
Hey, better now than at X'mas. It will grow out very quickly.
Poor Gussie, don't feel so bad. You look a lot less "pink" than I do when I get embarassed ... I mean stripped.
Wow, scallops? What do they taste like - I've never had one!
- Your pal Smitty
OK, so it isn't so bad. Thanks to all of my friends and family for being so supportive in this crisis. Muzzer is still sleeping on the floor for a while!
awwwww poor gussie! my peepol did that to me once too and i didnt forgive them for a week! but i am here to tell ya that it grows out again evenchully. just not fast enuf!
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