For two days I have not eaten my dog food! Teka came over last night and ate it for me, which was kind of her and greatly appreciated. I have been searching my brain for the possible cause of this ailment, and have made muzzer frantically search the veterinary sites for information.
We have come up with three possible suspects.

1. The new dog food in the bowl in the kitchen. On Sunday muzzer bought a different brand of dog food. She read on the terrier hotline that Beneful, which I love, is perhaps not the most enlightened and nourishing food for the active terrier. So, she got me this stuff in the red bag, and has mixed it with my old favorite. I think it tasted OK, but maybe it is too rich for my delicate stomach. I remember having this brand in Virginia, but think it came in an Orange bag. Perhaps I am allergic to dog food which is packaged in red. Mmm. Probably not. I think I am supposed to be color blind anyway.
2. This new and unusual toy that muzzer brought home is a suspicious character. It is one of the weirdest she has

3. Muzzer thinks that perhaps I ate something bad in the back yard. She has found many pecan shells scattered in the living room and in Dad's office recently. I do think they are delicious, and I must confess that I do not always discriminate carefully between the pecans (which are yummy) and the shells (which are probably as bad for me a gravel, almost.) Dad tends to discount this theory, since their previous dogs did not have any problems with the extra dietary fiber. But hey, Terriers are much more sensitive than Springer Spaniels, so I cannot dismiss this out of hand.
Anyway, I have been getting really hungry, despite the fact that I've not wanted to eat my dry food. So, this morning, muzzer took pity on me. She cooked some white rice, and when it had cooled, she mashed it up

By the way, she feels so sorry for me that she is typing this at my dictation so I don't have to struggle with the keyboard. So I will apologize for any spelling errors she has made, and hope that you will bear with me during my recovery.
Your Pal
Perhaps that rather loud lime green and fuschia scarf you appear to be wearing is upsetting your stomach?
Poor Gussie,
I have my "tummy" moments too sometimes - usually when I've eaten something I shouldn't. Joanne (my mum) has to evacuate the room (boy, am I embarassed when that happens!) She feeds me Fleet River Ranch food which was recommended by my breeder. They have different flavors and my sister Jessie & I love it. But then, I'll eat anything!
Feel better quick Gus!
Your pal Smitty.
E.Rabbit: I found that scarf at the store and picked it out myself. Muzzer let me use my wages to pay for it, so no cute stuff for you this week. Pfflllg!
Smitty: Thanks for the food tip. I will check it out next time we go to PetSmart. (one of my favorite places)
I get that yukky tummy thing too sometimes. Mommy gets nervous when my poop smells like dead swamp carcasses cuz that means it's bacterial and I have to go on antibiotics.
I get lamb & rice dry kibble, good for my tummy and my fur (lamb is the first ingredient). We tried Iams but it made me sick. When Lucky was still here (the wire haired pig) she wouldn't even eat it!
Ditch the Iams buddy!
Bussie Kissies
Hey I mentioned you on my blog today
Bussie: Saw your blog, good work buddy. Thanks for the tip! I'll share it with muzzer when she gets home and get her to ditch the stuff.
ps. muzzer says I smelled like rotten potatoes. I wonder where that is on your scale?
Poor Gussie...keep up the farting it seems to bring you lots of yummy food...I am not much of a farter - but I'm thinking of starting to become one as I fancy the food you've been getting.
Gussie- So sorry you aren't feeling well, buddy! Stretch the pity out for as long as you can! My mom gives me rice and chicken…yummy!
Your pal, Mackie
my tummy gets upsets sumtimes too. one time it wuz becuz i walked in the bug poison that other peepol put on theyr grass (icky!) and all the other times wuz wen my peepol changeded my food.
now i eat the food from the big green bag and i luv it. mmmmmm... dogfood!
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