When Travis came to visit on Monday I hid sqrll under the bed. It was a good thing too, because together, Travis and I killed a rabbit (stuffed) and a frisbee (floppy) in addition to treats and frosty paws! Yummm! Life is going to be interesting when Travis comes. He is one fast puppy! I think because his legs are so much longer. I kept up just fine though....and even got ahead of him by running between his legs and shooting out in front! Good thing for my sake he didn't try to sit down right about then, huh?
Anyway, by the time the folks sat down at the table for ribs and corn on the cob, Travis and I were pretty worn out, so we took a break and just spent some quality time begging for scraps and more frosty paws treats. Begging is hard work, but Travis and I are both naturals, so it takes less effort than you might think to look cute and deserving. I like the "cock the head slightly to one side, put one ear up and one down, and let your tongue hang out just a little" while Travis favors the "collapse full length on the floor, put your head on your front paws and sigh deeply" approach. Travis stretched full length on the floor is really awe inspiring! Anyway, whatever works for you, huh?
Then yesterday muzzer brought home the prize that she bid on for me at the scrub ball! She got me a whole big gym bag thing full of treats and prizes. And she opened it up, put it on the floor and let me pick! I grabbed a stuffed ball kind of like the one that E.Rabbit got me for Christmas! It squeaked! It took me about 17 seconds to tear into that ball thingy, grab the squeaker and run off with it. Dad thought it was funny, and even played with me for a while.

Squeaker games are loud! Dad grabs it and squeaks it a few times, then I grab it back, and we just keep that up. I guess that was why muzzer came in and made us give her the squeaker. She couldn't stand the noise! Dad was holding it when she came into his office, so HE got into trouble for not taking away from me right away. hehehe! Sheesh! Does she really think I am stupid enough to swallow that thing? Anyway. That is the short but happy tale of ball and squeak, may they both rest in peace. (Hmm, that sounds like a good name for an English pub....The Ball and Squeak. Oh well, someone has probably already used it)
I've gotta go now. Today is Wednesday, and I have to pack my bag to go to work with muzzer. My friend Barb H. sent word to bring some more treats because my stock at the store is almost gone! Wouldn't want to run out ... gotta keep up my strength.
1 comment:
somedog shud tell your muzzer that skweeky toys are meant to make noise! wut does she think you are s'pposed to do with them? i will start a campain and sign a pawtition to get your skweeky toys back! dogs unite!!
ivy dog
P.S. i will come to the ball and squeak if you serve frosty paws there! i love frosty paws!
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