So, here is the outcome....

I, gusdagger wft am wearing my costume as Asta, from The Thin Man!

My Pal Travis also has a literary theme. He is wearing his best makeup and glow-y eyes and is costumed as The Hound of the Baskervilles.

So, we compromised, and she decided that she is dressed as Nipper from the RCA Victor label. I have a bit of a problem believing that she would respond to her "master's voice" but it is easier than Eddie, since fewer folks our age know what she is supposed to look like.
To all of you out there wearing Howl-o-ween costumes, we salute you for your bravery and muzzer salutes your human parents for their creativity, talent and sheer disciplinary magic.
In our house, it was a toss up until Travis ate the pitchfork for the devil costume that Teka was supposed to wear. Way to Go Travis.
Yours in my natural wirey state
Darn, we were actually hoping you would play dress up, tee hee! At least your non-costumes are very well thought out indeed, hehehehe!
Luv & Wirey Hugs!
Butchy & Snickers
Very disappointing, Gus. I hope you all come up with something more exciting for Xmas.
Oh how funny. I nearly fell off my chair to read your post and how the costume debate ended with travis eating the pitchfork. Ha!!
Axel's Mom
Big Fan of On the Go With Gus!
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