The St. Louis Cardinals won the World Series. My Dad is very happy. Here is a picture of him talking on the phone with my sister, E.Rabbit, right after the last out in the series. She is very happy too! Now she can stop eating all that Ben and Jerry's ice cream and get back to work on her dissertation.
There were some tense moments in our house tonight! I could feel the tension in the air, and had to really concentrate to maintain my terrier savoir-faire. It required drawing on all my yoga skills from Santa Fe to continue controlling my breathing. Muzzer got a picture of me meditating. She got a picture of Teka meditating too. Travis was meditating with his head propped on Dad's foot. Hmm. Does it look like we all took the same yoga class? Whatever, we did our bit to support the harmony of the universe while Dad was busy coaching the Cardinals to their big win.

So, we have a whole lot of things to be thankful for tonight!
I am thankful that I can put my Cardinal scarf away for next year, and start wearing my Halloweeny scarf.
Muzzer is thankful that she and Dad can go back to eating dinner at the table, not in front of the TV. Three weeks of finger food haven't presented too many culinary challenges. I mean, what can you do with sandwiches, hot dogs, pizza, burritos, calzones, flautas, chili etc., etc., etc. that hasn't already been done?
Travis and Teka and I are thankful that we can get evening walkies back on the schedule.
My Uncle Ray (94) and my G'PawPaw (88) are thankful that they got to see the Cards take yet another series. Uncle Ray is more of a fan than G'PawPaw, but this one was special to both of them.
And Dad....well, he's thankful that HIS team won the Series. Muzzer says, "you can take the boy out of St. Louis, but you can't take the Cardinals out of the boy" Silly muzzer. We know that the Cardinal is on his T-shirt, not really in Dad. Sometime she doesn't make much sense to a terrier.
Thanks to all my terrierist and blogger friends who sent good wishes along for the team. Now we can move on to bigger and better endeavors....world peace, a Democratic House and Senate, and getting Trav's mum home for Christmas.
G'night for now
Think I'll go meditate some more.
The Cards won, the Dems will win, which will lead to world peace, and I am sure Mum will come home.
Can't wait for Tuesday night and lection results. This is our favorite sport! We are going to 2 rallies today, I am wearing my American flag ensemble, and I will be up on stage with Mom when she makes a speech. Followed by precinct walking...us dogs should be able to vote! I mean, how many you-mans work his hard t election time?
With the early voting - which started last Monday, that's more than a week of standing outside polling places handing out literature! The old people love me tho...
All the time on the fr barker for Move-on...
I'd post rally photos, but Mom says no politics on my blog. Sigh.
Bussie Kissies
Gus, why would you ever want to put off your Cardinals' bandana?
Bussie: Ok, no politics on your blog. But if you write to me, I can publish it. I've got muzzer so guilted for upsetting my routine with two additional dogs and their assorted and diverse personality traits, that she lets me do 'most anything. She and dad have a good friend of many years running against the hon. JD Hayworth, so we are as involved as you can be with Teka around.
E. Rabbit:
1. It is my LUCKY SLCardinal bandana. I must preserve the luck. We will not wash it, only fold it carefully and put it in the closet with Dad's Cardinal cap collection. Then I will have it next year.
2. It is part of my job at the store to be au'courant in the fashion world. This means, I must start wearing my Halloween bandana NOW. We would've had a problem if the series went to 7 games!
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