Oh, Teka got us up early enough. We were on the walkie path by 6:30, a bit late for her, but she is just a young pup and needs to get her full six hours.
And breakfast was served immediately upon our return, as usual. Perhaps the portions were a bit skimpier than usual, but it was on time, and that is important.
Muzzer and Dad are both home today, so we all have our "projects" to work on. Dad worked in the yard picking up dog poop(someone's gotta do it, ya know?)
Muzzer was organizing her closet. She is quite optimistic about the change in weather, so she put all of her summer stuff away and is trying to decide which of her Virginia winter things will work in Arizona this year. Next to world peace and brain surgery, clearly critical items under consideration.

That seemed the perfect time for the canine contingent to grab a few winks. So we "assumed the position" as the pledges used to say and got to work on our project for the day.
Tonight we are having leftovers for dinner. Yummy Yummy Yummy I got Turkey in my tummy!

Affection and "abrazos" from
Gus, Teka and Travis

Gussie, Sounds like you had a wonderful turkey day! You sure have a lot to be thankful for. You have a long list like i do! Us rescue dgs seem to have a long list, huh?
Gussie, mom says to tell you that she lves to see mpictures of you since she thinks we are almost twins! hehehehe!
hugs to you Gussie!
Your pal, Mackie
that looks like a good project! I worked on cards tonight so you should be getting yours soon!
hey hey gussie! sounds like a very productive day. i hope you enjoyed your project codename zzz. and the leftovers. mmmmmmm.... i luv turkley!
Hard at work I see!
Bussie Kissies
I'm glad they gave you a project that was so suited to your particular puppy talents.
Yeah, e.rabbit....muzzer's clothes don't fit me as well as they fit you, so I had time to nap.
nyah nyah
Hey Gussie,
Looks like you three had too much turkey to eat, made you go to lah lah land, snoreeeeee! hehehehe!
Wirey Hugs!
Butchy & Snickers
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