We left the house earlier than usual this morning, plus it is Friday, and I don't always go to the store on Friday. But I was hoping that there was a big sale today, and then muzzer would need my help with crowd control and loss prevention.

We drove in the right direction but pulled into the wrong parking lot. What is muzzer thinking??? Oh, I recognize this place. This is where the groomer lives! Damn. And I thought it was going to be such a good day.
We went in and said good morning to Donna, who is my favorite groomer in Azrizona. I also have a favorite groomer in Virginia, but I don't see her often any more. And of course there were lots of other doggies getting beautiful for the weekend. So muzzer told me to be good and she would come back for me later.
Yeah, I'll bet. She is going to have fun without me. I know. But I like the big tubs at the groomer shop and I like the warm air inside, so doggies don't catch cold. (
Hint: Muzzer, turn the heat up next time we shower please!) And I can catch up on the doggie gossip here too.
I had a delightful morning. Got my bath and comb out, got clipped and scissored, had my nails done...and Oh, yeah Cubby...this groomer doesn't do foo-foo bows except if you request them, and my muzzer knows better. On the way back to the shop I had muzzer do the drive through at Wendy's (no trans fat, you know) and had the chicken bits from the value meal menu. It works up a mighty hunger getting groomed, you know.
Here is my photo back at the shop, checking out the sales figures for the day. Notice my nice saddle and all my freckles. See my noble profile? This is my better side!
Here is my other better side. Muzzer says I look like a Bedlington Terrier because they didn't trim my face right, but I still think I am quite handsome.
Now, this is NOT my better side, but Muzzer says it will make Mackie feel better, 'cause my rear is most likely fatter than his. Anything for the terriers.
I had a quiet afternoon, took a nap at the shop and then came home to terrierize Teka. Guess I'll turn in early and get my beauty sleep. Tomorrow I am taking muzzer shopping for a treadmill so I can do my Snickercise class.