01 July 2007


Muzzer says I'm grumpy.
I swear, it's just the heat.
Sometimes I feel so dog-gone warm
I do not even eat.
And Teka stole my chew chip,
She will not give it back
She grins as she runs past my nose
Her heart is hard and black.
My muzzer is a Luddite
She's screwing up my blog
She cannot get the banner up
That says I'm "featured dog"
She will not let me pack my bag
Or pick what things to bring
She fusses when I try to rhyme
And Teka tries to sing.
I've got an awful lot of things
That I should really do
But if you knew hot hot it is
Well, you'd be grumpy too!


Anonymous said...

Poor Gussie. Just keep dreaming about your vacation and all of the Steak 'N Shakes you'll visit!

(Did you get your haircut?)

Your pal, Smitty

Gus said...

smitty: Yeah, and the way this diet is goin' I won't hardly get a bite. Grumble grumble grumble

wally said...

I know! Too darn hot, eh?

And my ma ape is crazy for the A-spare-gus but I keep telling her "No! There's no spare Gus! he's one of a kind!"


Jake of Florida said...

Hey Gussie,

Featured Blog? We're so proud to be your friends. Don't be too harsh with your muzzer -- it's not all that easy this computer stuff. But maybe if she figures out how to put your Featured Blog up, she'll link us to your site too -- especially now that we can say we know Gus, you know, he of the Featured Blog...

It's OK to be grumpy. Sometimes there are lots of things to be grumpy about. Have you tried some peanut butter comfort food to get you through those grumpy moments?

Your pals,

Jake and Just Harry

Joe Stains said...

It is so hot that even the silly doofus doesnt want to go outside!! Your poem was fabulous!

Ruby Bleu said...

Hi Gussie...
Great poem...you just rest, it's way too hot for you to do anything else. Me and my Mom heard on the news that it is a billion-zillion degrees where you live. YUCK! Make sure you drink lots of water and get lots of frosty paws!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Jake of Florida said...

Your muzzer did a good job on your blog. What a coup! And I see we are now famous by association.

Yay Muzzer!!!

Jake and Just Harry

Putz said...

gus what's this about german squirrels

Koobuss said...

Poor Gus,

You look like you are so down in the dumps! Cheer up, Gussie!! It's summer and a big holdiay is coming! You'll have lots of fun.

I loved your poem. You are very talented, Gus!!

Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

Koobuss said...

Poor Gus,

You look like you are so down in the dumps! Cheer up, Gussie!! It's summer and a big holdiay is coming! You'll have lots of fun.

I loved your poem. You are very talented, Gus!!

Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

ToFFee said...

Hi Gus!

so the heat's getting to your goat ei?

you should have been here! it's straight out of the blast furnace!

sigh.. and I can't even rhyme..


Faya said...

Oh poor Gus ! It is so hot now... Why don't you ask your mom an Ice-cream ???

Kiss, Faya

Gus said...

I'm only getting ice CUBES because of this diet. Faya...please send ice cream?

Duke said...

Swing by here for a few days before you leave for vacation Gussie! We had low 50's last night and today's highs are breezy 70's! It's just beautiful! No complaints here for July 2nd!

Love ya lots,

Lenny said...

Gus - you are such a talented poet!
How about some hot summer haiku?

Your friend, Lenny

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey pal, congrats on being Featured blog! Sorry you didn't win but there was tough competition this month.
Sorry to hear you're feeling a little grumpy. I expect you'll cheer up when your Dad's home. J x

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

PS Where's your chat box gone? Jx

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

I'll swap you some of our rain for some of your sunshine!

Oscar x