This is particularly for my friends and readers in the Phoenix area, but news (and

dogs) travel fast these days, so if anyone out there sees a dog matching the description below, please contact the Scottsdale police at 480.312.5000 or leave a message on this blog.
Kaiser, a 3 month old intact male Doberman puppy was stolen from his home in south Scottsdale(or possibly turned loose) during a burglary on Tuesday, July 31, 2007. Kaiser recently had his ears clipped and should receive regular medication and attention

He is wearing a black and red nylon collar, and has been
micro-chipped. He stands approx. 2 ft high at the shoulder and weighs 35-40 lbs. His most unique characteristic is that he has "huge" feet. Here are recent pictures that his owner provided. His owner is offering a reward for information leading to his return.
Thank you for reading this. We have permission to cross post if you are willing to do that on your appropriate groups.
awwwwwwwww he's beautiful! I hope the owners get him back real soon!
Love ya lots,
Oh no this is TERRIBLE. We will keep our eyes open for him :(
Oh jeez! Poor dog and poor owners. My ma ape says that's one of her worst nightmares. I'll post it to the two listservs I'm on.
Any news on Kaiser? We have a 3 mth old Dobie in our hood called Sadie...she is very sweet too and has big feet!
PS Thanks for the advice about baby socks...Mom might try that but I'm sure I'll be able to get them off very easily! heh heh. How did your mom get yours to stay on?
this is awful... i hope little kaiser will be found soon and reunited with his family.
Oh no!
Oh, look at that sweet face! I hope this baby is returned home soon.
William Tell
Hi, this is Kristine, Kaiser's owner. I am VERY HAPPY to tell you that Kaiser is now home with me and doing well. He was found by someone around 44th st & Thomas on Sunday. They found my sister's name on My sister called me at 10:45 Monday night to tell me "we've got him". I was at a concert and actually stooped to the floor shaking is sureal happiness. He had hundreds of ticks & a bit thin but otherwise in good health so far. The vet thinks he was probably around other dogs w/ ticks to get that many. I think the people that stole him had him w/ dogs & when the heat got to hot from all the media they dumped him somewhere because he couldn't have survived 2 days in Phx let alone 2 wks. Anyway we are both good. THANK YOU so much for posting this & your kind thoughts. They helped.
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