Well, I finally made it to Butchy's party. Actually, I made good time from St. Louis and was able to get here while it was still daylight! Here I am on the path leading up to Butchy and Snickers house. From here you can see the garage and the front of the house. The Fish house is down by the pond, and the deer watching station is out toward the back, closer to the boy scout camp. Boy, I hope nobody gets mistaken for a deer tonight! Some of those airedales are pretty big, and they are all brownish like deers, right? Oh well, Butchy and Snickers mom is a very organized type of person, and I am sure she has some extra safety vests or something to keep them all safe. Anyway, it probably isn't even deer season yet!
Anyway, I thought I would put Butchy's special Birthday song right here in this post, so you can all have the words to sing around the campfire.
Wasn't that the nicest campfire, Gussie! I loved how we all sang your song not one, not two but three times! It was just the best song! Butchy looked so happy and was having the most fun - just as it should be!
Love ya lots,
Once again, you've come through with a whizbanger song! I think your family needs to tap into your talent & get you a manager so you can get signed with a recording company. Do you know how many singers can't write music?
I'm commenting from the campout. Couldn't sleep ~ Wally is snoring pretty loudly and was sleeping with his butt in my face. I had to get up just to get some fresh aire.
Goober love,
Gussie we are having trouble with the pooter so hope this doesn't come through 500 times!! Archie has a bit of a tummyache from eating so many of Jacksons sausages and I am still humming your song while I try to get Samoas out of my hair!! Love A+A
what a great song! we sure are glad you made it safely, must have been so nice to travel without Teka!
Awwww gus, ya look grand boyo! The white coat suits ya down to the ground!
(actually me and my family were singing your song this evening! Thanks bunches!)
Now I'll go back to lurkin'.
Hey pal, did you have to have a bath when you got home? Your legs were a bit dirty from swimming. I'd forgotten about your dip until I saw the photos on B&S's blog. I was too busy dishing out the sausages. It was fun, wasn't it! J x
Oh Man...I don't wanna see any more sausage again for a very long time. What a pawsome pawty, huh Gus!!! That was quite a trip u had yourself! You're lucky they didn't make u take ur shoes off in that security line at the airport. The 100 inch TV is starting to sound like a good idea. But riding those G. Hounds was the best. We couldn't help they got trashe...er inebriated. Mumsie was mad bout having to drive all over PA, but more mad bout Lacie, Dunstan and the bed. I have computer time for quite a while at this rate!!!
That was terrific!! It is the bestest birthday song I ever heard and Butchy sure deserves it.
Koobuss Kisses,
it's me do you still wemembew me??
stoopid pootew is still dead so i can't post till fwiday..but I wanted to say I had the best time seeing you and i'm sowwy I pushed you in the pond..I hope youw Muzzer fowgives me.
that was a gweat song, and we wewen't even too off key,heheh
I love you and miss you..you wew vewy bwave to make that big twip,but i bet youw unt Re was awfully glad to see you
smoochie kisses
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