I have been having a great time in the mornings being a terrier sort of fellow and digging under the big grapefruit tree in the back yard. This has resulted in showers with muzzer and most recently, showers with Dad when I come in muddy up to my belly. I like showers with Dad best, I am not embarrassed when I shower with him. Took them long enough to figure that out though! Anyway...tomorrow I am going to my groomer to get cleaned up. After growing my wirey hair for a long time, we went to meet two new groomers who hand strip. Both of them recommended that muzzer continue to have me scissor cut and some areas clipped. We were gonna talk to another groomer, but it is getting desperate, and I cannot see well because my eyebrows hide my eyes. So tomorrow I am going to get cleaned up a bit, and we will continue to look for someone to strip my saddle and back at least. Muzzer thinks I will be even more handsome if we can find someone to do that for me. Either that, or she is gonna start using something called "Greasion Farmula" on my dark spots. Photos at 10:00 tomorrow!
And Muzzer has asked me to thank everyone who inquired about her itchies. It seems that I am the likely culprit, according to the Doctor she consulted. I supposedly brought some kind of irritant in on my paws and belly the last time she showered with me, which made her break out in all the places I had touched on her chubby little body. (feet, legs up to mid-thigh, hands and lower arms) She got some cream to put on and now I am showering with Dad. We haven't told him about the cause of the itchies (contact dermatitis covers a lot of things) and are waiting to see if he is a hyper-reactor like muzzer. Teehee
Aaaaw, thank you soo much! We love your blog too!
The Brat Pack
PS We don't think there's anyway you can be more handsome! It's impossible!!
Hello Gus,
I have always been clippered and my saddle is quite grey (though I prefer salt and pepper, sounds much more distinguished). ma says she will continue to have me clippered as my hair is now very soft because of it. Cassidy will be stripped from day one though, poor little blighter!!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
We love your blog, Gussie! You totally deserve this award!
You're going to be so handsome with your haircut! I personally don't think you need this grecian formula stuff! You're perfect just the way you are!
Glad your mom got cream for her itchies!
Love ya lots,
Congratulations for your award ! That is true, I love your blogl...
and I'll be back tomorrow for the pictures....
Kisses, Faya
poor gussie! it is no fair that your eyebrows cover up your eyes so you cant see. whose eyebrows do they think they are anyway? haf they no loyalty at all? sheesh.
better stay away from wutever it wuz you brot in to make your muzzer itchy. it is no fun wen your peepol are afraid to pet you!
Thanks, Gus my buddy. We love you too.
Pappy and Pappy's Fella
Thanks for the award, Gus! I'm truly honored!
You are very handsome, no matter what your style is these days. Our haircoats are very versatile and Mom likes to try different looks on us, too.
William Tell
Hey pal, congrats on your award, you deserve it! Glad to hear that Muzzer's itchies are getting better. I don't think it's possible for you to be even MORE handsome, but we'll wait for the photographic proof. Thanks for the tip about the wubba, I'm sure I'd make mincemeat of it! Jx
Gus GUY! You look mah-ve-lous just the way you are!
Don't let them cut your beard - if you grow yours maybe mommy will let me grow mine for Stanny's contest!
Bussie Kissies
Hillary 2008
That digging suwe sounds like fun..have you found any intewesting awtifacts yet??
I can't imagine you could possibly get handsomew..pas possible!!!
but I guess the hoomans can twy..it will keep them occupied..
Well the showewing with Dad seems to have taken cawe of both youw Muzzews itchies and youw embawwassment..hope Dad doesn't stawt itching now.
Congwatulations on youw Awawd!!!! I've loved youw blog fwom the vewy beginning and thing you'we vewy desewving!
smoochie kisses
Dearest Gussie,Congratulations of your award!!! We LOVE your blog and you.We think(esp Agatha)that you are very handsome as is but are excited to see your new hairdo Glad Muzzers itchies are better9did you get them too???) Love A+A
HI we're the new kids on the blog. We have no hair, well, not so much to speak of, and sometimes we fear the Hairy Dogs. I do anyway, but I am the Smallest with the Largest Bark.
I hope your Muzzer stops itching.
Lindy Loo and the whippet waggle
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