22 December 2007

I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas
Mommy and Daddy are mad.
I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas '
Cause I ain't been nuttin' but bad.
I ate a stuffie's little head;
Somebody snitched on me.
I hid a bone in sister's bed;
Somebody snitched on me.

I made some pee on Mommy's rug;
I ate cat poop and then a bug;
Rolled in a hole that a skunkie dug
Somebody snitched on me.

Oh, I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas
Mommy and Daddy are mad.
I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas
'Cause I ain't been nuttin' but bad.

I pulled the stuffing out of my chair;
Somebody snitched on me.
I ate a tube of Mommy's Nair;
Somebody snitched on me.I

I buried bones in Mommy's plant.
Chased the postman and tore his pants.
Brought home a bird all covered in ants
Somebody snitched on me.

Oh, I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas
Mommy and Daddy are mad.
I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas
'Cause I ain't been nuttin' but bad.

But it's been another grand year!
with love, from Teka


Patience-please said...

Teka, we believe you'll have a wonderful Christmas with LOTS of goodies just for you!

the whippet waggle

Duke said...

Awwwwwwww you're not bad, Teka! You're a Terrier and we like to stay active and amuse the hoomans and ourselves! Only 2 more days to get yourself back into Santa's good graces!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Oooo, scary Teka! J x

Liza said...

Oh no!! Poor Teka - I will see if Mac, Mollie, Zach and I can get there to save you from doggie jail!!


Headgirl said...

Hi Gussie!

First, TY for offering to pull a virtual Christmas cracker with me.
We've just done a dummy run!!!
Come see my post on the subject of crackers!
Have borrowed a photo of yours from last Xmas for your end...

And, secondly; yes, doggies are alloweded in the Covered Market, & you can get free bones if you buy [or @ least you use to be able too!] I was there again today! Normally the market doesn't open on a Sunday, but with Christmas, so close it was bustling. I got fresh giblets, to make my turkey gravy with and some dates & figs!
There'll be a new rash of dieting posts on my blog in the New Year for sure.

I wii be blogging over the holiday, but in case You're not...
Merry Christmas to you all1

Love, pats & pets

Peanut said...

Oh my we hope this song isn't true. Merry christmas teka

Asta said...

Oh Teka
I can't believe you would get nuttin, just cause you had a few indiscwetions this yeaw..who hasn't let them be the fiwst to ..I don't know the west of this saying, but you know what I mean..I'm suwe you'lllget sompin
smoochie kisses
Give my Gussie a hooge smooch fow me