This business of being co-host to lots of doggies is more work than I thought. Plus, you miss a lot of important things......Like:
Gaucho's Birthday....I didn't even know they left Azrizona....Feliz Cumpleanos Gaucho! Sorry I missed the whole thing!
And, I didn't see Jake and JH arrive on the Egret! So I missed asking how Harry managed to hold on to the football through the whole long ride!
And I didn't see Lacie like this before she left for the game. Or I swear, I would've made her change into that outfit her mom liked better.
I missed seeing all the cheerleaders together
I missed seeing the pyramid!
And I missed seeing Asta take the field to help win the game, cause I passed out when she changed right on the sidelines!

And I missed seeing the recognition Asta got on Times Square today.
Now for stuff I didn't miss:
Breakfast, lunch or dinner. No matter how many times we ate, I was there.
The fabulous Sentimental Journey Dance
Hot dogs at Joey's, about 6 times, I think.
Having a fabulous time.
Saying thank you to all my friends and their humans for making this a weekend to remember!
Oh Gussie,
You are very welcome! We had a marvelous time!! It was so much fun. All of it. You guys sure know how to throw a pawty and have a football game!! Thank You once again for everything!
Don't forget the Valentine's Day Ski Pawty in ten days. Check my blog for the reminder.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Thanks for great weekend. Sadly, mummy finded out that me sneaked out (Yes, Teka gived me those crate opening tips!) to be cheerleader, and now mummy be very, very cross, but it be worth it!
Cassidy x
You guys had so much stuff to do packed into that weekend! What an awesome time you all had!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
There was so much to do and see there is not way any dog could have seen it all.
Gussie, you and Teka and Joe and Tanner have raised the party bar to new heights! WE had such a GREAT time and we can't thank you enough. EVER!
tired happy wags from the whippets
It really was a super fabulous weekend!
Suuuure you missed this because you were busy hosting. I saw you at the keg!
Gussie you and Muzzer and Joey were the PERFECT hosts. Even though Archie couldn't stop crying on Sunday but he has stopped now.. The food was out of this world and we got to do SOOOO much!!!!! Love and smoochies A+A
Oh Gussie...Asta changed on the sidelines? And I got grounded. How fair is that????
You had the bestest pawty!! Oh,are we ever bad is ur house? Is your mom done cleaning? Does she need any help? I could be out there to give her a paw with the floors and such.
Just tell her to let me know...
Lakie kissies,
I LOVE it! Very creative and funny!
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