Muzzer has gone house mad. She wanted me to post these pictures of the house. This is so NOT what it looks like right now. You cannot see the fireplace for the book boxes! But these were taken by the previous owner right after they did some repainting and stuff, and muzzer is gaga.
Here is that fireplace she likes so much. It is built of "clinker" bricks, which are the ones cast off by the builders. She gets sorta biblical about this one. 
And here is the dining room, with another view of the wallpaper border.
Sheesh...I hope she doesn't go all "authentic" on me.
Wow!!!!! Momi says your new home looks just like the Green and Green house she visited in Pasedena! I think it looks very arty. Mommi has gone a funny shade of green while reading this postie. Strange 2 leggededs wonder how she did that? It wasn't her that landed in the green pond...
Wiry wags, Eric
OOOH! Mom LOVES that fireplace. We know you'll be very happy there!
the fireplace really is amazing, Mom is drooling over here. humans are so strange!
What a beautiful house! Mom says those clinker bricks are the best ones if you love antiques!
Have a happy 4th!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We watch a lot of HGTV --and fireplaces with real stone or brick are the best!! So we understand why muzzer is gaga.
Can't wait until "the reveal" when all the boxes are unpacked and we can see it in all its splendor!!
(We have a new dining table too -- photos to follow when Mom and Dogdad quit their "reorganizing").
Jake and Just Harry
Hoomans are CRAZY creatures, and females seem to be crazier than average! The photos are FAB. I'm all for letting Muzzer revel in her new digs... just so long as we see photos of the pups along with the house!
Goober love & smooches,
My mom says she loves that fireplace
I hope you're going to show photos of what your new house looks like after you've unpacked! Enquiring minds and all that. Actually J1 is just nosey.
Wow...Mumsie loved the fireplace, but she ADORED the windows...go figure. To us, windows are the best when Scruffy pops a ripe one and we have to run and open a window just to breath. How old is ur house??? It's amazing!
Um...I never really noticed how bootiful Teka is until I saw her in her new feminine pinky collar. She looks so sweet and innocent in it....I had to go and lie down and fan for a few minutes....
Barkin' at ya, Gus...!!!
Hey...what's happening with the fencie???
Well we have to agree..hoomans are funny..PL2 is just drooling here looking at your new digs Gussie. Tell Teka that pink is so her..Love and kisses A+APS also tell Teka she can't go anywhere or how will Swede William know how to find her?
What a great house! It has so much character. Muzzer must be having a ball. My mom loves the fireplace, too. She'd probably stay in that room all the time.
Best of luck!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Boy is Muzzew lucky..Mommi says that's the bestest house!!!it's bootiful..We want to come sit by youw fiwe in the wintew..pawfect fow Eat..I mean weading books....
Isn't it amazing what fashion can do???Teka looks pawsitively angelic in that new collaw..does Sweed William know what she's weally like??
smoochie kisses
I almost fowgot to say that the stwing wowked weally well..the yawd didn't have twees and stuff to get tangled in, so I could weally wun...but when I'd get up on the powch, I'd always tangle into tables and chaiws and tied a few hoomans up too, hehehehe..but that was OK, cause then thewe was always someone thewe to untangle me
smoochie kisses
Your new house is so cool. Maybe I can talk Mom and Dad into moving to a new home...with a fireplace...and a cool garden...! Your new digs sound wonderful.
Happy Tails,
William Tell
Oh Gus, my Mom is just drooling at the sight of these pix. Mom is a big arts and crafts junkie!!! We can't wait to see what it looks like after you unpack!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Gus, your new house looks so pretty! My mom is oooohing and aaaaaahing. I am all caught up now on your adventure getting there and I think your Muzzer is awesome for taking over the Comcast. They are not Comcastic, as they claim in their commercials, according to my computer nerd dad.
Welcome to your new place!!!
Your friend, Lenny
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