11 August 2008

Jackson Update

Y'all remember my pal Jackson, right?

He is the founder of the Substantial Wires Club (of which I am a charter member)
And he has recently had some really bad health problems. Tomorrow he will have surgery to remove a growth on his left lung, and without putting too many details here I will say that this is really serious stuff. Much more serious than anything I've ever had done, and I am very worried.
So I am posting his picture here, and asking you to keep him in your thoughts tomorrow, and prayers are great, no matter how long or what size.

Good Luck and Fast Healing Jackson

from your pal, Gussie


Asta said...

We awe thinking of Jackson non-stop..vewy stubbown pawsitive tewwiew thoughts, and pwaying as hawd as we can..he just has to be All wight!!
smoochie kisses

Lacy said...

w00f's Gussie, me thoughts and prayers iz wiff Jackson...me iz nervous tho....

b safe,

Agatha and Archie said...

Don't worry Gussie,We have been thinking and praying for him all day .And tonight when we go out for a walk we will say an extra special wish and prayers to the dogstar and send it over to Jaxextra special delivery. Love and kisses A+A

Eric said...

Gussie. We will, never fear, Jackson is in our thoughts and prayers all the time. Your pal, Eric

Unknown said...

Hi Gussie,

We are sending Jackson all sorts of terrier love, the two-legged kind as well, and surrounding him and the Js with healing white light.

Woofing extra loud at the dog star tonight!

Your pal,


Eduardo said...

I will be praying for Jackson!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Joe Stains said...

we are sending a thousand healing vibes and good thoughts his way.

Kyanite said...

It's going to be a long day waiting for news!

Pats & pets
An anxious Blue

Duke said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with Jackson!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

we are thinking of him today

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Thanks Gus! My, don't I look handsome in that photo! Jx

Stanley said...

Gussie Boy!

I'm a little late posting a comment here, but I'm so STINKIN' glad that Jax made it out of surgery! All of those healing thoughts, prayers and goob smooches are working!

Thanks for keeping us all posted, bud.

Goober love & smooches for you,

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

We rock, Gussie...power to the paw!!!

Hey we read that letter from William to Teka...what the heck did it say? We can read german, and some of it made sense,but most of it didn't...it wasn't a marriage proposal was it???


wally said...

I hope Jackson and his family are healing well. His CAT scan sounded pretty good with a single, isolated mass and no cats.

wally t.