at the Tower of London, with Asta, Eric and Lacie,
and lots of other doggles.
I haven't thought much about my costume, but here is my latest candidate for Teka to consider!
I think she should go as Anne Boleyn.
And I have the picture and the music to help her out.
She wants to be a ballerina, or a bride, or a princess! (watch out William!)
I think this is much more interesting, and I have volunteered to help her re-create the "look" in an authentic, period correct manner.
Now to get the full flavor of this, and to see why I think it is so appropriate, you should play the music that I have provided.
See? I knew you would be on my side.
(Muzzer remembers having this song on a 78 rpm record, and says she used to sing along with this Stanley Holloway fellow! My muzzer! Sweet little old lady? I guess she got her wild streak out in her very young days.)
I'm so glad you'we coming
I think that is a pawfect costoome fow Teka, hehehehe
Stoopid Mommi couldn't make the moosic play
smoochie kisses
OK pals, it was not Asta's Sweet Mommi, it was old lady muzzer! Try again by pushing the red "Play" on the bloggie.
That's the perfect music and the perfect costume for Teka! We even heard the static on the old recording!
You've been tagged Gussie and Teka! Check out our blog!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Ohmydog you're so brilliant, Gus! I love the costume and the music. I'd be her Henry VIII. I'm not trying to move in on William's territory, I just enjoy being a bit of a jerk from time to time.
wally t.
That's a much more creative costume idea, Gus! Keep encouraging her off the beaten path!
Brown dog kisses,
Woooo... what a spooky song! Perfect for Howl-o-ween! Mom says she's never heard that song. Something went weird at the end of the song and it went even spookier!
That guy sounds like Benny Hill! LOL. I think that is a great costume for Teka!
What a great costume! Are you going as the executioner, Gussie? We can't wait to see everydoggie at the pawty!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
I think that has Teka written all over it!
(Yes, we thought of Teka when we saw our new puppy the first time. Will she live up to Teka's reputation? Time will tell...)
Happy Tails,
William Tell
See you at the pawty, I think I will have to come naked as Mum muttered something about the UK being rubbish when it came to buying doggie costumes! I'll just say I came as my birthday suit!!
have a great weekend,
Ben xxx
Teka...I'm thinkin' you don't know anything bout this costume, do ya??
Maybe you should get someone in your family to explain a little history to ya...you know...sorta like a bedtime story. Then let us know what ya do to Gussie after ur peeps do the 'splainin'....
Love ya lots...
Lacie and Co.
Boo! Hoo! My silly pooter won't play the music....but the costume for Teka looksmost pawfect. Though will the chicken soup leak out of her neckie? Suppose thats a good way to diet....hmmm maybe the substantials could all be Anne Boleyns for the pawty, he,he,he!!
Wiry wags, Eric x
Hey guys!
I'll see you there...
Just look out for the strange dog/cum / witch; all in blue on a broom stick...
oooo! a howl-o-weenie pawty! i luv that! i will try to get my peepol to buy me a better costume than the usual superman cape they put me in. maybe i cud be sumthing scary like a warewolf! tee hee!
speaking of scary -- i didnt let my benjamin look at the anne boleyn pickture but he reelly liked looking at the one of teka for her press release while we listened to the music.
i fixed the link on my blog. thanks for telling me it wuz broken. i blame my peepol for the mistake.
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