Axel has a dreidel
He made it out of clay
When it was dry and ready
Then dreidel he did play
Oh dreidel dreidel dreidel
They made it out of clay
When it was dry and ready
Then dreidel he did play
Jakey has a dreidel
It's made of stuffy stuff
And when he tries to play with it
Just Harry he gets rough

Oh Dreidel Dreidel Dreidel
It's made of stuffy Stuff
When Jake tries to play with it
Just Harry he gets rough
I like to play with dreidel
It loves to dance and spin
I chase it round the corner
And then we start again
Oh Dreidel Dreidel Driedel
I watch it dance and spin
I Chase it round the corner
And then we start again
I chase it cross the kitchen
I chase it down the stairs
We run under the table
We’re really quite a pair
Oh Dreidel Dreidel Dreidel
I like to chase that thing
I chase it nearly everywhere
We're really quite a pair
It never says it’s tired
It never wants to stop
It is the perfect toy for me
My lovely dreidel top
Oh dreidel dreidel dreidel,
The perfect toy for me
It never wants to stop and rest
My lovely dreidel top
So every year at Hanukkah
We play this lovely game
A lovely game for wirey boys
And dreidel is its name.
Oh Dreidel Dreidel Dreidel
A game for wirey boys
Of clay or stuffy, or of wood
Still dreidel is its name.
I hope Jake and Just Harry and Axel andall ouw Jewish fwiends awe having a wondewful Hannukah and singing this song..
smoochie kisses
We can't leave out the Jewish folks, or we'd be leaving out our Mom too!!
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