And all you humans and ma apes who volunteer your time
Who share your homes, your hearts, your love
And find them homes sublime
Oh oh please help them find a home that's fine
Maybe like mine
Oh oh please help them find a home that's fine
The need seems never-ending, the hurting does not cease
We thank those who do what they can to bring these doggies peace
And ask that when your gifts you buy
You save them a small piece
Oh oh please help them find a home that's fine
Maybe like mine
Oh oh please help them find a home that's fine
Oh Gussie...our eyes are leakin', Sweet Boy!!!
Happiest Gotcha Day ever and thank you for the wonderful carol!!! Your talent is unparalleled...(all three terriers bow in the direction of Meammmphis...)
We love all of the wonderful pix you posted of the other doggies...
Thank heavens you and you peeps found eachother...blogland is someplace special with you in it, Gussie!!!
Love and kissies...Scruffy,Lacie, and Stan
You have some very handsome rescue dog friends! The song rocks too!
Aw, GusMan!
We are STINKIN' thankful that you adopted Muzzer and Dad! They are some lucky hoomans to have you as their own woolly mammoth!
Happy Gotcha Day, buddy!
And that song.... my girl & I were moved to tears. Stella just danced along to the beat, of course.
Goober love & smooches,
Happy Gotcha Day to you!!!!!!!
I'm sogwatefulthat youw pawents got you and let all of us get to know you..I love you!!!
That song is the best cawol yet!
I'll be singing it thwoughout the yeaw
smoochie kisses
Happy Gotcha day, Gus.
May other doggies, kitties, birdies, hammies find the lovely forever home like you.
Love and hugs
What a great post!!! Happy Gotcha Day, Gussie!!
But did you forget our Just Harry???
He was a post-Katrina rescue dog in September 2005.
Wirey woofs and lots of love,
Oh Gus...
That is just bootiful! Happy Gotcha day!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Happy Gotcha Day Gussie. Your muzzer made our mom leak with that beautiful song!!
We love y'all!
Sunny&Scooter & mom the gimp
Happy Gotcha Day!!! Tanner is a pound puppy too so he really loved your carol!
Happy Gotha Day, Gussie! Koobus I was gotten from the local shelter, too. And if it wasn't for him, Koobus II, Koobus III, and I, Koobus IV, would not be here. So we all owe him a debt of gratitude.
I love your carols. You are so talented, Gussie.
Hope you and Teka have a great Holiday Season!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Hey Gussie,
That is the best Christmas Carol EVER. We think we may have to borrow that this season. You must've spent a lot of your sleepy time working on that Carol and it shows. We think that Gotcha Day is a great idea. We "gotcha" Jack, we "gotcha" Homer J., we "gotcha" Abby, we "gotcha" and miss ya Bear, we "gotcha" and miss you Parker, we "gotcha" miss ya Chance, and we "gotcha" and miss ya Gordon. It's just not the same here with you waiting up at The Bridge.
Thank dog they were rescued! & thank dog you wrote that carol! It was so sweet!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
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