
It's the best time of the year
I don't know if there'll be snow, but have a cup of cheer.
Have a very Gooberstan Christmas;
And when you walk down the street
Say Hello todogs you know and ev'rydog you meet.
Oh, ho, the mistletoe hung where you can see;
Asta waits for Stan; Kiss her once for me.
Have a very Gooberstan Christmas,
and in case you didn't hear,
Oh by golly, have very Gooberstan Christmas this year.
You sending me a kiss thwough Mygoobewboy..nothing could beat that
I'm having a vewy Jolly time weading youw bloggie
smoochie kisses
Thanks for being on the same brainwave as my girl and posting this truly heinous photo of me doing a bad impersonation of Santa Paws! She is so lazy she had to reprise our photo essay from last year. At least you put the photo to good use as an illustration for your bootiful song!
My girl, STella, Merv and I will cherish this song, and your tribute!
Please give Muzzer a big juicy goober smooch from me, and my girl promises you an Atomic booty scritch for you!
Goob love,
great lyrics :D
I will have a very Gooberstan Christmas this year!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Hi Gussie!
Mayemphis must be rubbing off on you - you've outdone yourself musically. I think a recording of your greatest hits is in your near future. Move over, Elvis and BB — there's a new dog in town...
Your pal,
I gotta admit I am very jealous of the SIZE of stain you are able to create. Why is my bladder so small??
Another musikhal masterpiece!
I've said it befur and I know I'll say it again Sam...Stan...oh, get on the bus Gus...
PeeEssWoo: It's the desert heat that makes Joey's bladder sooooo small!
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