Many thanks to all my pals who have stopped by already to say Happy Day! And to Miss Snickers and Miss Asta who sent Beeeeyooootiful Cards. Miss Snickers even posted a video on her blog of her talking right to me. I am heading to Ioway as soon as I finish here. WoooooHooooo, that is one Xrated bloggie tonight!
I thought I would tell you a bit about myself, 'cause I don't know if we ever posted all this stuff before together in the same place under my picture!
I was born on 16 February of 2003 at Esqwire Kennels in Lanham, MD. We don't know about my parents, 'cause that information didn't come with me, but I am one handsome wirey fellow.
In May of that year, I went to live in Walkersville, Md. with my new hoomans. Walkersville is about 50 miles from Dee See, where my sissie lives. I had a nice home and a nice vet, and I was quite happy. The vet seemed to think I was a bit large for my size, and put me on a diet!
In late 2005 some changes happened to my hoomans, and I went to stay with a nice rescue lady and her dogs . My muzzer and Dad were sabbaticallying in VA, and muzzer was lonely without a dog. She found me on Fox the Terrier Rescue site, and of course, it was love at first sight. She and Dad came to visit me, and I went home with them right before Christmas of that year.
We stayed in VA and had a great time getting to know one another and finding out the best places for walkies. I went with muzzer when she did her volunteer thingies for Habitat, and I got to be quite the dog about town. The ladies in the bank loved me. The ladies at the food co-op loved me. The ladies at the library did not. We did some travellin, visited my sissie E.Rabbit in DeeSee and some friends in the Carolinas. My Grandpa and Uncle Steevie and Aunt Jane came to visit, and we went to see Thomas Jefferson's house.
Time flew by, and before we knew it, we were heading back to Azrizona to meet my sissie E.Beth and her dog Teka. We spent some time with them, and then took a month off to go to Santa Fe, NM. When we got back to Tempe, my Dad went back to teachin' at ASU and muzzer and I started working most days at her store. Life was great, but there was no winter and no snow.
When that school year was over, we got back in the car and went to Ioway for Miss Snicker's barkday. Then we stayed a month in St. Loulis in a furnished apartment, and I got to visit my Aunt Marie and Uncle Ray almost every day. Bumpity Bumpity back to Azrizona, where we started the school and work thing again! One time Dad went off on a trip to Tennesseeee. He talked to the people at Rhodes, and he liked them lots. They liked him lots too, so now we live in Tennesseeeee.
So, I am six years old today. I have been doggie licensed in MD, VA, AZ and TN. I have been neutered, micro chipped, vaccinated and groomed. I love my muzzer and Dad. I am even starting to like Teka. I love my bloggie friends, and their hoomans are fine folk. I hope muzzer gets back on the stick and gets my Delta certification finished, so I can go visit old folks and kids. But if not, I hope Teka learns to walk better on a leash so we can take longer walkies.
Thank you all for being my friends, and thanks to the Barkalot's Mom for taking the picture of me at the top of the blog.
Woo've been evfurrywhere man
Happy Birfday!
PeeEssWoo: Auntie Di went to ASU and after she graduated, her brain was khooked she stayed there (almost 20 years now!)!
PeePeeEssWoo: My word: quivermi
Hi, Gussie...
Happy Barkday to you...
Happy Barkday to you...
Happy Barkday, Dear Gussie...
Happy Barkday to you...
Thanks for sharing your story...
Abby xxxooo
HAPPY BARKDAY!!!!!!!! AZ is a better place for having you for a while!!
Our dearest darling handsome Gussie,HAPPY HAPPY BARKDAY!!!!!!! We hope you had a fabulous day!!!!Love and kisses A+A +PL2
Hi Gussie, you turned six today!Happy Barkday to you...
Happy Barkday to you...
Happy Barkday, Dear Gussie...
Happy Barkday to you...
Wish your year filled with lots of treats, toys, kisses and belly rubs!
Happy Barkday to you Gus.
Happy, happy, happy Birthday to youuuu! We are impressed with your life story. Thanks for telling it to us.
Happy Barkday Gussie! I will see you and Teka-toy in a few weeks!
Joyeux anniversaire ! Happy Birthday ! Sending you a lot of kisses, Faya & Dyos
Hey Gus, Many Happy Returns pal. Wishing you lots of treats and toys on your special day. J x
Happy Barkday to you Gussie. ;)
~ Bae
Happy, happy Barkday, Gussie! Sorry we're late! We hope you had a great day! Did I hear you say that you are starting to like Teka? Maybe you've had one or two too many of Lacie's smoothies!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
You have obviously been stolen by Gypsies. Perhaps you should look to escape at the first opportunity. Our dad was a Gypsy fo 20 years but he has stopped now. You didn't mention how Teka went from living in Arizona to living in Memphis. Have you seen Elvis' house? Have you seen his airplanes? Have you seen him?
Happy birthday, Gussie! You are a very well-traveled doggie! We're so glad to be your friends!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Happy Happy Barkday Gus....What a wonderful story! It is so nice of you to share this story. I loved reading about how you were found and given a forever home, and traveling from here to there....
Happy Happy barkday and many more to come.
Thank you for being my friend
Happy Barkday Gus - I hope you got lots of pressies and treats. Glad you found your forever hooomans - what is Memphis like?
Have a great day
Lots of licks
Hi Gussie!!!
We're glad we got in under the wire yesterday to wish you a Happy Barkday and we're so glad to have you as our wirey pal!!!
Thank you for telling the story of your six years -- you've had quite the life!!!
Jake and Just Harry
hey Gus, happy barkday! we loved reading all of that story about you. we didn't know any of those things about you and it's such an interesting story. you have lived in a lot of places. you are a well traveled dog. maybe next time you will come to live in WA next door to us.
What a great story. But you left out the most important part. WHAT KIND OF CAKE DID YOU GET??? I hope you got good stuff.
I sort of came from a rescue, too. I was at a rescue in Seattle. The lady there went to shelters in Eastern Washington and picked up dogs that were about to be put down and she brought them to Seattle to be adopterated by Seattle yuppies.
You and me, we're like citizens of the world. And/or multiple coasts.
wally t.
I'm so gwateful to Muzzew and youw Dad fow letting you find them..I love you and hope you had a stoopendous Biwfday!!!
We all love you so vewy much..I wish I could have wun ovew to give you a smoochie in pawson.
love youw fwiend aways
Do you know how to leave a message on Mainewiwes??
I go to theiw site, and see the pictoowes, but thewe isn't any place to leave a comment?
puzzled smoochie kisses
We're Brothers by a Different Mother! My birthday is February 26, 2003!!! We're exactly ten days apart.
No wonder we agree on so many things!
And I'm with you - until another doggie can throw a ball, scratch my belly and give me a cookie, I'm sticking with the humans!
Happy Birthday almost-twinnie!
Your pal,
Happy belated barkday! We wanted to stop by and thank you for stopping by our blog and leaving such a nice comment in support of Benson. We very much appreciate your kind thoughts and prayers. We did in fact find out tonight that its cancer that Benson has.
We are glad to have made new friends klike you out of all of this mess.
Thanks again for your kind thoughts,
Love Gibson (Benson's brother)
Gussie Boy!
Happy Happy Burpday, buddy!!
Stella, my girl (of COURSE), and I are all STINKIN' GLAD you were born and that there is so much of you to love and that you adopted Muzzer and your dad so we could eventually meet you.
You're one well-travelled dog who has had a lot of valuable work experience. My girl thinks you would be an excellent therapy dog, and even if you don't get your Delta certification she'll let you come give her snuggle therapy on an ongoing basis.
You, my friend, make me proud to be a terrier and to be called your bud.
Goober love & smooches,
Happy Birthday, Gussie. You are a lucky pup to have found such nice hoomans to be your family.
Oh My Dog!! We haven't been around much at all. and we missed one of our bestest bud's birthdays!! Happy Birthday Gus. We love you and Muzzer (an Teka too, long as we don't hafta live with her-hah)
(Our gramma is still not good.-mom is gonna post soon. Everyone has gone home and it is just us and mom again)
Quite the dog about states Gussie!What an interesting life you've had. I would love to hear about your volunteering work, will you tell us more one day? Before Mom got me she worked for Habitat too though she says it's a VERY different one and she certainly didn't do it for free like your nice Mom did!!!
Wiry wags, Eric xx
Happy Barkday!!
What a crazy story! I have only lived in Georgia. Then again, I am not as old as are a grown up! I am only 14. I may have to move if my mommy gets a thingy called a postdoct. I believe that is what it is called.
My mommy has lived in Arizona and in Charlottesville too! That is many crazy. And she has driven through TN and says it is pretty. I want to go there! If you ever come to GA you can play with me.
happy barkday - sorry I'm a bit late!
Oh Gussie...I'm such a horrible friend. I can't believe I missed your barkday!!!! Please furgive me!!! You know I woof you tons! Let's be angry with my Mom for not letting me get near her pooter to send you a message, ok?
Lots of Loving Licks, Ruby
A very happy barkday to you, Gussie!
Happy Tails,
William Tell
Oh Gus, I'm soOoo sorry I missed your barkday buddy.
Big sloppy belated barkday rottie Licks to you! Oh and Sophie said to send you one of her fine velvety kissies.
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