07 February 2009

update on bowties

Wow! Talk about Rapid Response! We came back and checked our email, and there was a note from "E" who said "one end slides through the little opening!"

Sure enough...there is an opening between two layers, and you can insert tab A into slot B and it is perfect.

Teka thinks it makes a nice ear warmer too! and her ears are always cold.

So, tomorrow when we go walk-about, we will give these a try.

Thank you E! You are a clever lady. Just remember...muzzer ALWAYS needs instructions.

disclaimer: my friend E is not the same person as my sissie E.Rabbit, who is also a very good knitter.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Mom is saying something about old episodes of I Love Lucy....

I have no idea what she means but then again, she is old...

Maybe your muzzer khan translate?


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

OMD...those are just the cutest ties ever, Gussie!!! Oh my...wouldn't Asta look totally cutest in that orange??? Wonder if E.'s peep would post the knittin' directions???

We're watchin' the rerun of the Superbowl...not half as frightenin' when you know the end...and sure is a lot faster sans commercials!!

Love ya sweet Boy!!!


Asta said...

Oh My dog Gussie
I looove that ..I just now saw this..Willie and tewwy look adowbale and now you and Teka do too..what a clevew tie,,and it's OWANGE!!!!!! whewe can I get one????
I love the way Teka chose to weaw it. You , Gussie, of couwse look gweat no mattew how you weaw it
have a love ly weekend
smoochi ekisses

Dandy Duke said...

haha - you look like a Christmas bunny, Teka! Those are just too cool and very nice of E!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Abby said...

Hi, Gussie...

Yep...Looks better that way...

Stay warm...

Abby xxxooo

Patience-please said...

WE just have to remember to cover Swede William's eyes when we come visit your blog, Gus. One look at Teka in the orange bunny ears and *THUNK* he's unconsious again. Some dog posted about fainting goats recently... maybe he's related?

catching up wags from the whippets

Bogart H. Devil said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :)


Agatha and Archie said...

We LOVE the way TEka wears it!! Love and kisses A+A

Stanley said...


Willie & Terry look mighty fine in their bowties, and I really like the way Teka has chosen to wear hers. Now, even though I knew you wore real bowties I'm not sure I've ever seen a photo of you sporting one. Could you provide some photographic evidence for me please. (Just for my viewing pleaseure, not because I don't believe you.)

My girl will go NUTS if she sees her Gussie Boy all dolled up with such a gentlemanly accessory.

Goober love & smooches,

Joe Stains said...

Teka looks 'special' with her ear warmer, I think Tanner needs one too.

Moco said...

Boy are we lucky to have the internets to get instructions from as our humans are never much help.

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Gus, you're looking quite the dog about town with your new bowtie! Teka looks fetching too, of course, hehehe! J x

PS thanks for dropping by Sally's blog!

Eduardo said...

My Mommy just wants to kissy kissy all over Teka the orange eared bunny! But you look very dashing in your bowtie Gussie, that would be pawfect to wear on a valentine date! Who are you going with?
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Eric said...

Wow, Those are just the bizz!!Specialy in me and Asta's fave orange. Willie and Terry look very dapper and Teka is well Teka with a bow on her head. Nice hat for Mryna's wedding? Wondering like Lacie if E will be able to share the pattern??? Can'y wait to see you in your bow tie Gus.

Wiry wags, Eric xx