OK, Robin and Linda Williams I kind of understand. They live in VA, near Buena Vista (say Beoona Vista) which is near Lexington(big points in their favor) and they are on Prairie Home Companion a lot of Saturdays. And muzzer is a bit of an old Folkie. (not fogie!)
And last weekend was the big Mardi Gras Dinner, and while dogs were not allowed to attend, muzzer brought home a crawfish and some beads for me.
But Last Night!
Oh, the hoomiliation.
Oh, how embarrassed I was!
You will NEVER Guess where they went.
Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Brothers went to a Doo Wop Concert.
And by all reports, a fine time was had by all.

But..they saw the DRIFTERS, the CHIFFONS, the FLAMINGOS, the CRYSTALS, and the CLASSICS! Many of the people doo wopping on stage were as old as my hoomans. Pretty incredible, if ya ask me.
Anyway. They are home and all is forgiven. They recommend it to anyone who wants a bit of nostalgia.
Have a great Sunday.
Gussie n Teka
And woo let 'em go?
I think they need some Mandatory Metallikha now to khleanse their systems!
Mom's Dad loved the doowop too, and the motown. I don't even know wtf that means, but if bones were lost I am against it 100%
Our mom and dad are such poops! They rarely go out because it will cut into their 9PM bedtime! Mom says those groooops are before her time, but just a little bit!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh Gussie
Mommi and Daddi would have loved that..pawents awe soo embawwasing sometimes..I hope they make it up to you
smoochie kisses
Hi, Gussie...
My Mom says she remembers those groups, but she was really young...
I didn't know my Mom was ever young...
Abby xxxooo
How much fun...FOR MUZZER NOT YOU..geesh what is up with these humans...Maybe it is time for all of us to have another big party....Love A+A
Ooo seats right on the aisle...I bet Gus Muzzer and Dad did plenty of that Du Wop dancing in the aisle when the Drifters started crooning.....rocking and a rolling in their bobby socks!! Can you imagine???!!
But Gussie you need to make a stand (or a sit) cos it's not really on for them to develop a social life that doesn't revolve round you.
Wiry wags, Eric xx
(he,he, I loved your comments about WFT behaviour Teka on steroids!!)
It sounds like they had a very good time. Maybe they will teach you some of those fancy dance steps.
Our dad is an old fogie (not folkie) and he watches the Doo Wop concerts on PBS too. He has never gone to one though. Mom isn't as old as him so she gives him grief when she catches him watches groups that are too old for her to remeber (i.e. anything before the Fab Four). We live so far out in the boonies that social life is going to a movie up in fredericksburg or down in Ashland. WOW!.
What's doo-wop? Is that some kind of new raw food?
Chiffons are a kind of pie, I think. Flamingos are like chicken, only bigger. Classics could be anything. I'm thinking a nice steak. And Drifters are something that floats down the river, like fish. Doo-Wop sounds pretty good if you ask me!
I'm so hungry.....
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
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