Muzzer and Mumsie talked last night about just how much poop can come out of one small dog, but though mumsie was clearly worried about Lacie, we were surprised this morning when we read on Asta (NY's) blog that Lacie had to go back to the vet.
And, this is the first time Teka Toy! has experienced daylight saving time. She is actually sleeping late (6:30 am) for the first time since I have known her. She will figure it out, but until then, muzzer and dad are REALLY enjoying the extra sleep.
It has been warm here this week, right now it is overcast and 75 degrees, but we are supposed to get rain starting sometime this evening with temperatures dropping overnight. Meanwhile, here are some photos of what is happening in our garden and front yard!
And lots of plants in their potties waiting to get stuck in the ground.
Alas, poor plants. They must most prolly wait until Muzzer gets back from
St. Loulis, where she is going tomorrow. But when muzzer gets back, our sissie
E.Beth will come to visit. Maybe she will help muzzer plant. Maybe she will bring us bones.
Stay tuned for updates on all of that, plus any breaking news we have on Lacie.
gus dagger, w.f.t.
I might just have to fire up The Xterra and go to StillerTown...
BUT I will make sure I get MOom to bring me some earpluggie things...I'm not sure I khould handle the shrieking!
I think woo need to khraft a Get Well Song fur Lacie!
Swede William flew out the door the second he heard Muzzer was boing out of town. He disappeared over the southern horizon, with a daffodil between his teeth.
We've pretty much given up on our servant who is studying nonstop and is totally useless.
wags from the whippets
Lacie is in our circle of healing vibes.
Thanks for the lovely photos of the flowers.
The daylight saving time seems to throw everyone in our house out of whack.
Hi, Gussie...
We went & sent Good Lhasa Vibes to Lacie...I hope she feels better soon...
Ya know...My Mom seems to be getting up too early...Everyone seems confused about the time lately...I wonder what's going on...Some ridiculous human thing, no doubt...
You have Daffy Dills already?? Mom says ours will be coming up soon...Maybe after this weekend, cuz it's supposed to be warmer...
I can't wait til spring...
Abby xxxooo
High Biscuits??? We have lots of High Biscuits here -- even the fence that hides our hedge is High Biscuit. Pretty, pretty -- but labeled "non-native" to make us feel guilty when we water them (to make more High Biscuits).
St. Loulis, huh? We've heard rumors that the folks are leaving us at camp over the weekend while they go to spring training in Jupiter to see our Cardinales. They're also going to see the Capitol Steps Friday night and a Georgia O'Keefe/Ansel Adams exhibit in Palm Beach on Sundaye -- so I guess we'll have to call on the Heron-cam for a full report
Tell muzzer to have a safe trip.
Loved thos Daffy Dills!!!
Jake and Just Harry
So sorry to hear the news about Lacie. We'll send her some get well wishes right away!
I'm sure Teka Toy will adjust in no time to the new schedule, but it is funny that she hasn't caught on yet. :)
Happy Tails,
William Tell
We read about Lacie on Asta's blog and rushed right over to send lots of AireZen!
Mom is drooling over your flowers, Gussie! She can't wait to see pretty colors in our yard!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Gussie!
Can you send us some flowers? All we have are some little sprouts and it was freezing cold today. We're ready for some 75 degree weather, please!
Paws crossed for Lacie! What if they remove her mean streak while she's in the hospital?!? How will we know it's Lacie???
Your Pal,
We are so sorry to hear about our little friend, Lacie, being ill and in the hospital. I've heard that that's tbe best place to be when you are sick. We send her our best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Your daffy dills and high biscuits, they are lovely. We don't have any around here yet, but we will eventually. They are so welcome.
As for daylight savings time, my mom is having a harder time with it than I am. When you get to be her age, even an hour change in your routine can be a problem.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
I will be snuggling for Lacie! Those are such beautiful flowers!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
We are worried about the Lacie Beast and have been sending her healing vibes. I hate to see the little gal ailing.
Can you eat a high biscuit? Does it get you high?
We just cant believe Lacie is sick, she seems invincible and unstoppable. We have been over to send healing vibes a couple of times. We hope you enjoy the sleeping in, I would guess that will end real soon.
Gus, I've been barking my head off for little Lacie to get better.She hasn't been listening so I've got to do it louder and more. Sorry that could of been keeping Teka awake. Cute flowers, the daffy dillys look like my ones.And I like the sound of tasty biscuit flowers
Wiry wags Eric xxx
Yo Gussie...
Scruffy here...Lacie is home for the night...this vettie hospital doesn't keep doggies overnight very often so the pups go home to their crates at night and get dragged back in the morning. Lacie's IV infiltrated...just what the poor dog needs...so now's she's limpin' and her paw is killin' her...BUT SHE'S EATING! She snarfed down some babyfood rice cereal with applesauce, then some boiled beef and rice...and I mean SNARFED!
Hopefully it will make its way via her plumbing all in the proper order...or it sure stinks in here in the morning....
She's even more irritable than she was yesterday if that's possible...Stan and I are so abused.
Gotta go...I hear her ringing that darn bell we gave her...
Hi There Gus In Springtime!
I have been trying very hard with my Doctoring skills to heal dear Lacie, it is causing me a right headache I can bark to you.
lotsalicks, Marvin xxxxx
Dr Marvin MD
I hope you get the pwofessow to give you lots of extwa tweats while Muzzew is gone..I'm cwossing my paws that Teka doesn't catch on to the time, heheh maybe this will be a new ewa in sneeping.
those flowews awe bootifu..It's still pwetty bawe awound hewe..I think Maywmphis will be gowgeous all full of flowews.
I agwee wif you Gussie..Ilike auntie Bailey's old nuwsie oonifowm wif the cape, but she suck umd to public opinion..evewyone was cwiticizing hew.
smoochie kisses
Heya Gus,
We hope that Lacie is doing better, The D-HI-Dray-shun can really wipe ya out. She probably got it from Dyer-Reara. She probably, hopefully, just need a IV to make it Re-HI-Dray-shun instead. Let's us know and we're working good vibes and howls to the sky.
Heartfelt apologies for the oversight - you are one of the ballet dancers! We are depending on your lithe gracefulness. And Gus is going to be one of the leaders in the march of the clans!
So sorry - see you at rehearsal!
Your pal,
Hey, man! We're catching up. Glad Teka hasn't clued in to Daylight Savings yet. Maybe she never will. (We can only hope.)
Please tell your Muzzer to be safe driving to St. Louis! Can't wait for her to get back & for E. Beth's visit. And, tell her we love the High Biscuits the best!
Goober love & smooches,
I'm glad to see that wee Lacie is doing much better. My brudder and I have experienced some unfortunate belly issues ourselves but not nearly so serious.
I wish Oscar understood Daylight Savings. I think starting around 3 a.m. he waits for ma ape to roll over, shift, breathe, and then he runs over to tell her it is time for walkies. Last night I slept on her legs and didn't want to get up. Mmmmm. Warm.
wally t.
We haven't quite reached our day light saving time yet BUT it looks real nice outside and i got a lead walk in the sun today, whoo hoo!
Poor Lacie...I've got my paw and space boot crossed for her...
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