Gotta be quick. We are staying at the Pet Smart Hotel here in Mayemphis.
This place is OK.
It has a pawty room and softserve doggie i-scream

We have a new Pal.. He looks a bit like Sunny, but with some differences. (He He He!)
He has lovely long nails and can type pretty well.
We have booked the Pawty Room for Sattiday Night.
It is Ruby Bleu's Barkday this weekend, plus we all need some fun here.
We have ordered Double Steak Burgers, no cheese, hold the buns from the Steak n Shake down the Road

We are hoping Lacie brings the Blender.
We are sure Butcho will help Ruby with the Pick ups.
HOpe to see Ya
Gussie Teka and NOT Sunny
OOOOPS, gotta go.
Sounds like a FAB Pet Hotel Gus. Count me in if Aire Ruby can make it over the pee.I'll bring bottles of Johnny Walker Whisky and them haggiseseses I bought down from Scotty Land. Say hi to not Sunny.Ask him how he stays so white.
Wiry love n kisses Eric xxx
I didn't think Lacie went ANYWHERE without the blender!
Cute cute post!!! Happy Birthday!!
Hope everybody has a great week-end!
You have such a enertaining blog. Thank-you.
Ww always enjoy your visit when you come to see us.
Hugs Bambi & Fern
gus, hope you continue having a great time at the doggie hotel!
Hey you kids....don't have too many parties at the hotel!!!!! Love and ksises A+A
This will be pawfect. Anothew pawty! I wouldn't miss Ruby's Bday fow the wowld
I'd like my buwgew medjum wawe pleez
smoochie kisses
pee ess..I'll bwing a cake
Hi, Gussie...
Wow...Nice hotel...
Self Serve Ice Cream???? What could be better??
Abby xxooo
Count us in -- Not Sunny is kind of cute. Do we know his/her gender???
Jake and Just Harry
We are SO THERE! the humans are going to see the Dbacks so they won't even know we are gone!!
You mentioned Steak and Shake burgers when we were on the road! Now we'll get to taste them and won't have to admit never having experienced something you've recommended! (Do they come with bacon?) Sounds like a great time. We'd better hop over to Ruby's so she'll recognize us at her party!
Thanks for the invite. We'll be there! If we could, we'd bring ice cream, but I'm afraid Jake'd eat it all before we got there. He can be kind of a pig when it comes to soft serve.
Your excited pals,
Miss Fergi (and Jake)
Hmm...we've never had Steak and Shakie burgers...we're on our way....I have Stanny rigged up with an ace bandage and a dogwalker...he sorta looks old, but he'll get over it...the nurses will all be comin' with...um, I am on duty...the blender could be a bit of a problem, but if you don't tell Agatha that works for me....
That Not Sunny is smokin' hot...this could be another nursing demerit from old Agatha if I flirt while on duty...
Is this all gonna be on Muzzer's bill? I do have some pawty supplies that we need...I'll call them in for purchase....
Love you lots!!!!
Lacie, Scruffy and Gimpy
What? We can serve ourselves ice cream?! No way are we missing this pawty! We'll bring mom's famous blueberry buckle!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
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