Hey Y'all
I sure am glad that Gussie is up in IOWAY or OHIOWAY
or whatever with Miss Snickers.
That means you and I can get to know one another a lot better!
And I think we will have a great time.
Now, one thing you might not know about me is that I am a great reader.
I read the New Yawker, I read Cosmopawlitan, and I read Real Simple.
Well, I started reading that because I thought it was a story about Gussie,
but it turns out to be quite interesting.
This month, the issue is big on articles about saving money.
And the frontspiece of the mag (page 7) is this rather handsome fellow:
Now, I don't know for sure if he is an airedale or a welshie or a lakie or a wirey guy, but he looks good in soapsuds, no?
Muzzer thinks the article is full of schmuttz. She tried to groom Gussie one time herself.
In addition to the special knives and stuff,
there was the vet bill (I think she pulled a bit too hard one time)
and the People Dogtor co-pay (Gussie thought she was pullin a little too hard also.)
So her advice on this one is "don't try these directions at home."
Plus, ya know, they are using clippers on this fellow,
and we think he may be a breed that shouldn't be clipped.
But then, what do we know?
So, while Gussie is gone, me and muzzer went to Target together. She got this bug thingy. She says she will report on it later, but she is hopeful.
The 'skeeters here still think she is a real treat to eat,
and even the soap made out of goat milk is not helpin'.
I think she smells pretty good myself,
but she does attract some strange looks in crowds.
We also got some of these Chewnola thingies.
Muzzer has been bringing home one package at a time for about a month now.
I convinced her we need to buy in bulk.
There are three layers, one with seeds and stuff,
one hard and chewy, and then a yummy middle part.
Me and Gussie both like them lots. I can eat one faster than he can!
And then, what did I see but this lovely green label.
It says "The Waggle" and I thought someone was marketing my Swede Willy Yum.
But it turns out to just be the chewie toy also colored bright green, with holes and stuff. Muzzer puts good food type stuff in the holes, and when me and Gussie tug and toss it, the treats come out. Yumm. Not my Sweetie, but OK by me.
It is bone shaped, and we apologize, we think bloggie losted the picture.
No work on the garden to report. See ya later.
Teka Toy
We have barked instructions to Mom and Dogdad to hie their butts over to our Target to see what goodies they can find for us.
Thanks for the tip Teka Toy!!!
(And we'll check out the Real Simple article and write to tell them if they are misguided!)
Jake and Just Harry
Whilst Gussie is away the Teka Toy will play!
Thank dog you'we on top of things..that is a vewy handsome doggie and cleawly some non tewwiew nincompoop wote the awticle..they have to be set stwaight!
I've nevew tasted those chewy yummies..we don't have a tawget hewe ,but they suwe sound wondewful, and so does youw toy .
I think you have a faboolous Muzzew
smoochie kisses
Hi, Teka...
I think it's time to go shopping at Target...
That bone that the treats fall out of sounds good to me...
Abby xxxooo
Teka, thanks for the excellent reporting. Ones as educated as you should have write a correct article for that magazine. Thank do no one hase ever tried to dig in my ears.
Looks like you did some excellent shopping with Muzzer.Treats look excellent and I have some of that busy buddy stuff. Can't think why.
Wiry loves and kissies Eric xxx
OK per usual we are weeks behind but we are all caughtup.PL1 ordered some new... gasp ...stripping tools and we are trying to figure out how to get rid of them...Any ideas?? We love you new back yard..Yoou can go bowling there...Love A+A
Heya Teka,
Tell the muzzer to try The Bumpass Hounds World Famous Skeeter Scadoodle Homemade Shoo Away Application. You add 1 cup of pure cane sugar to 1 cup of boiling water, then mix in 3 tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of molasses. Add two drops of any really expensive aude de toilet or par fume. Mix thoroughly and then apply liberally to all exposed skin surfaces. Test out the effectiveness by walking in heavily wooded damp ares or in swamps or bogs. Y'all be astounded by the results. it'll work like nuthin you've ever tried before - GUARANTEED. Spread it around real good.
- The Bumpass Hounds and Kitties.
Teka, when we read that Muzzer got something at Target related to a bug thing, we worried we had left the bug in Mayemphis when we were there. Moma's still trying to get rid of the giant evil bug. But when we read closer, we decided it was a different kind of bug. Just as annoying, though.
It sounds like shopping has been fun. (Our Girl loves to shop. And she always comes home with treats.) Enjoy the benefits!
Jake and Miss Fergi
Auntie Pascale is actualy shopping in Florida....she says it is soooooooooooo amazing.....
Kisses, Faya
Target is the best, that is where we get all our bird food. Tanner loves bird food, but that is not surprising, he is a bird brain.
Anyway, those chewnolas look GOOD!
My ma ape was nodding in vigorous agreement on the grooming. (Poor Gus, and Muzzer!)
My brudder loves toys like those Waggle things. I have minimal patience for food requiring more work than looking adorable in my ma ape's vicinity.
You and Muzzer sure do an excellent job on your shopping. I'm really interested in those triple layer things. They look good.
So Muzzer and Gussie both needed dogtors after a grooming session. That's too bad. Mom did some grooming of me today and so far, so good. There has not been any blood yet--mine or hers.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
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