They stopped BEFORE they came to pick us up.
We have forgiven them somewhat because Miss Patience, the whippet servant
sent along some toys for us to play with.
They are neat stretchy toys.
Teka has a pastel one that smells like William.
Mine is brighter in color and much smarter than hers.
Except now she has both of them .
And she does not share well like I do.
But she very much prefers the one that smells like William.
So perhaps I will get mine back someday.
That is soooo wrong!
The stopping without woo AND Teka taking all the toys!
Khome to Pawsylvania and help yourself!
Hi, Gussie...
Just wait til Teka gets tired & takes a nap...Then steal it back...
Abby xxxooo
I'm jelly that Muzzew and the pwofessow got to stop and meet the whippets and theiw sewvant, and get toys fow you too?!!!!!
Tell Teka ,I'm going to come bite hew bumbum unless she wetuwns youws.
Sniffing hewWillums smell should be mowe than enuff fow hew
smoochie kisses
We did get to see the whippets -- kind of from afar for the most part -- but they live in a very very cool place!! With really cool humans!!
As for toy sharing, don't even talk about it, Gussie. The only toy JH wants is the one I have amd the only reaction is the one you gave.
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
You will get your turn I am sure. Of course by then the nice whippet smell might be all gone.
Girls will be girls. You know that, Gussie!
Did you take cookies?
Your pals, Double Trouble,
Jake and Fergi
You must standup for yourself and get your toy back. Nothing violent.
There has got to be a way to get Teka's stuff to smell like William and your stuff to smell like somebody she doesn't like. Do they sell William Scent spray in your area? It was just a thought.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
OH poor Gus - no road trip and no toys - well, I would sulk all day! Wait till she is asleep and take the toy back - and maybe hide it!
Or look really sad at your humans and they will feel guilty and they will get you more toys!
Works for us
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
Teka and Mitch sound a lot a like, Gussie - very stingy and non-sharing! It's so unfair!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hu Gus,
Thanks for your visit this morning.
I have missed you.
Don't worry about your toy, she has to sleep some time, than make your move!
Licks Bambi and Fern
Gussie, when you get to heaven you will have three angels waiting to help you carry your halo around. It will be a big one because of all the things you have to endure living with Teka. You're a saint, buddy.
Happy Tails,
William Tell
Poor Gus.Those feltie toys are good for a shake about. Try shaking Teka instead. That'll make her give you back your toy. If not it'll annoy Teka anyway so well worth it.
Wiry wags n kisses Eric xxxx
Well that certainly is not fair but I guess the presents KIND of make up for it!!
Hey! You guys have the same kitchen tile as us (looks like anyway) and we got so confused for a moment! We ran downstairs to see if you were here! (William is still searching under the dining room table for Teka.)
Boy, your humans sure know how to pick the best treaties in the WORLD!!! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Thank you thank you thank you!!!
wags from the whippets
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