We got word this morning that Charlie,
The Big Dog at Dogs with Blogs and
an inspiration to many of us, died this
morning in Australia.
Charlie was an inspiration to all of us,
and he was my personal hero.
I still have the original e-mail
he sent to welcome me to Dogs With Blogs.
Rest in Peace Charlie.
Wirey licks and kisses to Greg and Brooke. Head Butts for Opy, your
beloved sister and greatest competitor.
See ya at the Bridge, old pal
Gussie, Teka and Muzzer,
We left our condolences at Charlie's blog but it felt very inadequate. You said it much better than we did. It's a feeling kinda like the King has died. Charlie leaves a tremendous legacy and following. he will be missed.
It has been one long day after one short night...
Khwite the nice tribute to such a special furiend...
Mom and I are still numb and expekht to be fur sometime...
Hi, Gussie...
A very sad day...
Our hearts go out to Greg, Brooke, & Opy...
Run Free Sweet Charlie...
Abby xxxooo
We didn't know Charlie, but we can tell from all the very nice comments we've read about him, that he was a very special dog to lots of blogging doggies and their people. We feel sad, very sad, for his family. Though it's some comfort to know that he made his way to the Rainbow Bridge and doggie heaven easily and swiftly, we still realize how hard it is to lose a good friend and a member of the family.
Plese pass on our most sincere condolences,
Jake and Fergi
What a wonderful tribute, Gussie! Charlie will be forever missed!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Bye Charlie. We will miss you.
Well said, Gussie.
We know you were there from almost the beginning, when the DWB was so much smaller, and you all formed a very close family.
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Oh Gussie...it's sad isn't it...you said it bootifully in your tribute to him..well done!
As for Muzzer going to see the Waggle and leavin' you two at home...I'm thinkin' Muzzer might be needin' to watch Teka's toofers and her ankles...I bet she's more than a tad miffed...
Love ya lots sweet Gus...!!
My jeannie hugged him, he was the best. well apart from me and you.
sad times Gus, sad times
Hey Gus,
Were youse guys all outta town when the storms went through Memphis? We hope that y'all and you stuff are all OK. Is Graceland OK? Are all the ribs safe? How about FEDEX? Aren't there some ducks or fowl at some hotel? Are they OK?
We have sure been hearin' a lot about Charlie....he must have had many friends across the world.....may he run free....
Dewey Dewster here....
What a lovely post! We miss Charlie. :(
Dawling Gussie
Time suwe is passing too quickly. It seems like just yestewday when thewe wewe a few of us on the bloggie wif Charlie and Opy's leadewship.
His big heawt can beat steadily now wifout help. I know we;ll all see each othew again.
smoochie kisses
pee ess You have to come in pawson and I'll give you one to one instwuctions on the cown
What a wonderful tribute to Charlie. We weren't able to find as beautiful words as you have.
Well said!
So sad to lose Charlie. Sigh. What an amazing dog.
wally t.
It is so sad!! Good by Charlie!
I miss you too Gus. It has been a long time since your last visited.
Hugs Bambi and Fern
Hey Gussie...how's it goin'??? Frankly, I've been barfin' all day...I hate these pesky gi summer viruses....sheesch....
Oh, Stanley's breeder has a litter of JRT's...interested??? It could give Teka a little friend to play with...heh heh heh....
Supposed to be 90 tomorrow....it's barely even been 80 here all summer....
Love to all sweet boy....
Thank-you for your kind words on my blog today! Thank-you for your visit. I will talk more to you later. To night I am very tired!!
Hugs Bambi and Fern
Where be you?
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