30 September 2009
Day 4 - Continued
Day 4 - Train to Dee See
Expose of Muzzer's travel adventures
They walked and walked on Day Two, and went to
Tomorrow...Days 4 and 5
Our Muzzer's back!

Hey Na, Hey Na, our muzzer's back
While she was gone, we reduced this place to rubble
Hey Na, Hey Na, our muzzer's back
We're makin her sorry she was ever born
Hey Na, Hey Na, our muzzer's back
If she doesn't get busy we will post some porn
Hey Na, Hey Na, our Muzzer's back
Hey She left us with the Vettie
And, we didn't get no Petties
She's been gone for such a long time
Hey na, Hey Na, our Muzzer's back
We were sad and now it's her time
Hey Na, Hey Na, our muzzer's back
She's gonna be sorry that she left us there
Hey Na, hey Na, our Muzzer's back
While she's asleep we are cuttin her hair
Hey Na, Hey Na, our Muzzer's back
Hey, she left us with the Vettie
And, we didn't get no petties
She played with Asta and with Duffy Too
Hey Na, Hey Na, our muzzer's back
For all we know she played with the whole zooooo
Hey na, hey Na, our muzzer's back
She went to New Yawk and she went to Dee Seee
Hey Na, Hey na, our muzzer's back
And she didn't bring a treat for Gussie or Meeee
Hey Na, Hey Na, our muzzer's back
Yeah, we're gonna make her sorry
And, we'll cause her lots of worry
We're thinkin' we should eat her new shoooos
Hey Na, Hey Na, our muzzer's back
Then, she'll get us some great chews
Hey na, Hey Na, our Muzzer's back
How long we're bad is gonna depend
Hey na, Hey Na, our Muzzer's back
On how much she grovels and how much she will spend
Hey Na, Hey Na, Our Muzzer's back
Yeah, she's gonna be sorry
And We're gonna make her worry
Hey Na, Hey Na, our Muzzer's back.
24 September 2009
Muzzer says she saw where Asta lives from the airplane. Yeah, sure....
hoping Miss Snickers and the Mama do not mind that lots of our friends are joining us in Ioway.
Big Mud Wrestling event on Sattiday.
pee ess...the needles and pins are to put on the sofa so muzzer is not able to sleep, making her crabby and tired so she doesn't have a good time without me.
22 September 2009
20 September 2009
not much, you?

19 September 2009
18 September 2009
Rumors confirmed!
He took a closer look, and he must have overbalanced.
17 September 2009
I ditched the cone!
I ditched the cone. So far, muzzer has not figured
out where it is, so I won't tell you guys, just in case
she offers a bribe for information. Wouldn't want you to
have to choose between treats and friendship. Not me.
all over the house, under beds, behind the couch.
15 September 2009
New Treats
14 September 2009
I update
Muzzer said my eyelid looked thick.
This morning we saw Dr. Jeff, who is one of my favorites.
He looked at my eye, prodded at it, and made some pussy stuff come out.
He also found the hole that was the original wound, and says it was most probably a spider bite.
But --- I gotta wear the cone a while longer, get my ointment and take my pills.
the GOOD NEWS! I have not gained any weight.
pee ess...One of the reasons I like Dr. Jeff is that he is a "substantial" fellow too.
12 September 2009
UK Fox Terrier Walkies
10 September 2009
09 September 2009
Muzzer sicko
06 September 2009
Occupational injury!
Me and Muzzer and Dad piled into the GussieMobile and headed for the Emergency Vet Clinic.
They were very busy. We had to wait almost an hour, because some of the animals who came were "Class A" emergencies. Translation? They were bleeding on the floor or had been hit by a car and were unconscious.
Me...I just had an eye that was pretty messy looking.
We got to see the Dr. He didn't look anything like the one in this TV show.
He and the vet techs put me to sleep. Shaved my eye! (yucko) and put some medicines in it.
This is what I looked like this morning!
And this is where I am spending my time, mostly, today.
I also got lots of pills and medicines to take while I am home. And Tuesday, I have to check in with Dr. Jeff at my vet place to see how I am doing. One of those medicines makes me really sleepy, so that is all for now.