13 November 2009

A moment of silence, please

This special moment of silence is being organized
by our pals, Jake and Fergi.
Fergi and Jake have all the details on their bloggie.
And this includes a very clever clock thing that
translates Greenwich Mean Time into
REAL time, right here in Mayempis.
Or, wherever you are.
We love this idea. Me and Muzzer and Dad
will definitely be observing this special moment.
Teka wants to wait and see if it is in conflict with walkies.
But she will help with the noise part after.
kisses, hugs and large amounts of thank yous
to all our friends.


Kelly said...

Hi Gussie!
I am new to your blog, but glad to have found you. I have been following Butchy and Snickers for a while, and I am on board to take part in the worldwide moment for Snickers this weekend!
Thanks for helping to keep us informed about her condition. She is a lucky girl to have you!

I am posting about all of this on my bloggie, too.

new friend,

Duffy said...

Thanks for posting, Gussie. My mom and I will join in on Saturday to send all our positive to Miss Snickers.

Princess Patches said...

We're IN! We've been praying like crazy! The Power of the Paw really does work!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Lacy said...

we b there too..and we gonna put the "paws around the world" on our bloggie..

b safe,

Deetz said...

We are in! it will be 5:00 our time and it is on my calendar....
"Power of the Paw"

Patience-please said...

Eight whippets and two silly humans will be doing our part.
Thanks for letting us know.

wags from the whippets

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

That's fantastic idea!
Please count us in.
That's also our dindin time but we'll be quiet and sending more positive paw power to Miss Snickers and her family!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We'll be there!

6pm in Pawsylvania!


PeeEssWoo: My word is DINEDN!

Eric said...

I'll be there Gussie a pulling and a tugging right on time!! Wicked idea Jake and Fergie. Wooohoo!! I've been sad all day thinking of Miss Snickers now I'm allowing a squarie smile on my face with this little ray of hope.

Wiry loves and kissies Eric xxxxx

Ulysse said...

We will definitely take part too. Midnight here in France but we'll still be awake for the occasion. I've been posting the link on my FB profile.

Agatha and Archie said...

PL2 was working today and PL1 called her with the good news. SHe has now read all of your posts and has gone from crying to laughing to crying to laughing!! Now she is going to post this !!!! MUAHHHHHH Love A+A

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

It is so going to happen, Gussie. News of Snickers and this special minute in time tomorrow is everywhere we have been to visit tonight. We are all ready to fight for Snickers.

Woos, the OP Pack

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Gussie...you'll hear us from up here in PA after that moment of silence...I'm gonna outdo myself shrieking...Stanny and Scruffy are wearing earmuffs...they would....

We're hoping that Miss Snickers and her family get a little more rest tonight...

Love you dear boy...we know you've had a very hard week....

Kisses, sweet Gussie!


Duke said...

We're in too, Gussie and Teka! We'll be pausing for our moment of silence at 6PM!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

wally said...

Oh Gus, we will be joining you at 6PM for Ms. Snickers. What a terrible few days of ups and downs. We hope it is all up from here for Ms. Snickers!

wally t.

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Oh my, so sorry to hear about Snickers. I'm crossing my paws and everything else for her. J x

Anonymous said...

We were late but we kept prayin and we had our minute of silence and we howled to the Big DOG to watch over ms. Snickers in her time of distress. We continue to pray for her to get better.

Astrid Keel said...

what a wonderful wonderful tribute to snickers - prayers for a continued recovery!

Astrid Keel said...

we completely missed it, but we're keeping our thoughts on miss snickers and all our furiends in need.
