18 November 2009

Wednesday update

Here is a note from Mama Lamb about Miss Snickers:

"Not much new today. Her fever did go down though. She didn't get any sleep last night or this morning. She had the panting horrible & the bloody mucous thing running out of the nose, which makes her breathing really noisy. (even kept Butchy awake, hehehe)
Swelling is still the same as the last 2 days, one side is like quarter size, other is between dime & nickel size. Sure wish it would go down further. She still eats very slow, so I'm still wetting her kibble along with all of the soft food we're giving her. Don't think she has gained anymore weight back yet. I was telling Mumsie today, Snickers will get a few spirts where she acts pretty good. But then she is tired again. Just think she needs some good sleep. She is now on the prednisone only every other day, so we're hoping the panting will soon start going away. Only got her to walk half way around the land this morning. Now we have rain, so I know I won't get her to walk much. "


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Gussie...I heard Mumsie on the phone today with Mama Lamb...I think Mumsie got her to giggle a bit...we just feel bad cuz they are all so tired...

Not only are we prayin' for Snickers to heal, we're prayin' they all get a good night's sleep...

Everything seems harder when ur tired...

Kisses, Gussie and thank you for the update!

Love, Laciegirlie

Sally Ann and Andy said...

We all want her to improve.
Sally Ann

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'm still khrossing and vibing -

Merdie is helping too!

Tank woo fur the update -


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Thanks for the update, Gussie. We are all still wooing for her to recover. We will keep blowing kisses to her.

Woos, the OP Pack

Unknown said...

Ahh, that predisone is tough stuff. Our wire fox terrier Keddy was on it for back pain and it made her pee all the time. But if she was off it, she'd have seizures with awful back pain. Sure hope Snickers and her family can get a good night's sleep. No barking tonight, we'll just whisper at the Dog Star instead so we don't wake anyone up.

Gussie my pal, how are you doing?

Your pal,


Daniella said...

Poor snickers, not being able to breathe is so scary. Prayers continue of course...and we too hope they all get some sleep.

xox Dani and Ax

Asta said...

Thank you fow the constant updates..we all need to know and awe anxious
pwaying even hawdew
smoochie kisses,ASTA

TwoSpecialWires said...

We wonder if it would work if we try to woo 'em all to sleep. We know they are running on empty in the rest department. We'll go to bed tonight hoping we find out they all rested well through the night. That's gotta help. We know Snickers can do this ... battle this mystery monster. It's gonna be a long haul, but we're here for her (and her family). All the way.

Fergi and Jake and family

Huskee and Hershey said...

Thanks for keeping us updated on Miss Snickers.. we will continue to think of her and sending healing vibes over.

Sally said...

Thank you for the update - we are still sending lots of healing and positive vibes - lots of licks and hugs
Sally and Paddy

The Black and Tans. said...

Thank you for letting us know how Miss Snickers is Gussie.

We are always thinking about her and continue to send all the zen we can muster to Iowa.

Molly, Taffy and Monty.

Duke said...

Our paws are soooooooooo crossed for Snickers! Thanks for the update, Gussie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Thank you for the update. We are keeping Miss Snickers in our hearts.


Patience-please said...

You are a great reporter, Gussie. We're thinking of Snickers all the time.

wags from the whippets

Moco said...

Crossing paws and sending healing vibes.

Ulysse said...

Thanks for your posts Gus ... We keep thinking of her, sending healing vibes, and praying too.
She's in our hearts and we won't let her down.
Hugs ...
Ulysse & Family.

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh...I hope everyone can get some rest soon. My paws are still crossed and I'm praying real, real hard.

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...

Our thoughts and prayers go out to miss Snickers and her family and hope she can rebound from this terrible ordeal.

Luna Licks,

Luna, John, and Joan.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pupdate. It's weird, my sibe had a similar problem with similar symptoms but no lymph node inflamation. she had inflamation in her joints. do you think it could be a bacterial infection of some sort? I'm sure hoping snickers gets better soon to tell us all...
wild dingo

Kelly said...

Sweet Gussie,

Thank you for the continued updates. I am thinking of Miss Snickers all day long. I know all of our prayers are working!
