07 April 2010

The Saga of Ducky Dagger

Found on a Clearance Rack at Old Tar-shay
Who'd have thunk he would end this way
Muzzer brought him home today and
Said that we could Play...
Me and Teka sent him on his way

Ducky, Ducky Dagger
Had no time to feel fear.
Ducky, Ducky Dagger
Didn't even last one year.

Teka grabbed the duck from me and then she ran away
I think I heard her whisper "gonna teach this duck to play"
Then she destroyed him just as quick as you can say
"Poor old Duck, he didn't last a day."

Ducky, Ducky Dagger,
Died in our back yard.
Muzzer found remains of Ducky all around the yard.
Gotta tell ya buddies - didn't have to look too hard.
Teka seemed to think it funny, then she said to me
"It seems to me that what we had was just a bust canard."

Ducky, Ducky Dagger
He's spread around the yard.
Ducky, Ducky Dagger
He didn't fight too hard.

Muzzer took him back inside
But she could clearly see.
There was no hope for this Canard,
Nor ever seemed to be.
She picked up all the pieces and she said a little prayer.
And then she said to Teka, "now, you just leave it there."

Ducky, Ducky Dagger
the landfill is your fate.
Ducky, Ducky Dagger
Should have left by our back gate.
So you have heard my silly song
I guess I'll say goodnight.
We tried to load the video but something wasn't right.
If you can share some tips with us, we'd thank you politely
And you could see Old Teka Toy take Ducky back from me.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Are we supposed to say the magikh word?

PeeEssWoo: Why a dukhk?

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh my...we have never witnessed such destruction of this endangered birdie species...

Isn't that illegal?

Honestly, Gussie...that Teka is somethin' else.

Big Choppers she has.

Don't get on the wrong side of her, kay?


Lacie XXOO

Duke said...

What a shame about ducky, ducky dagger! He was such a cute ducky!
Great song, Gussie!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

I LUVS your song, Gussie! It was Most Clever. But I don't thinks we should feel sorry for Ducky Dagger cuz you could tell by the look on his face that he was plotting something bad.

Please to tell Teka that I am Most Humbled by her stuffie dissection abilities and I would join her team anytimes! We would totally take gold!

Wiggles & Wags,

Princess Patches said...

RIP, Ducky Dagger! At least he gave his life so Teka could have some fun!

Our mom can't load videos on our new 'puter. Something about it being a 32 bit camera and a 64 bit 'puter. Damn that Vista! We can still load them on our old 'puter, but it takes like a bazillion hours!

Penny & Patches

Jake of Florida said...

Ducky Ducky Dagger had a short life; but he has just been immortalized in song.

Teka's still got it!! (We seem to have lost our zest for destuffing in our more mature years.)

Jake and Just Harry

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ha rooo roooooo - you two had fun!!!

Woos- Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Peppy Sheppys said...

Wow! Savage beasts! We love it!

Sheps w/Pep