But, all was not lost....
George guilted her into baking treats for him.
And then, when she posted pictures on her blog, I guilted her into sending half of them to me n teka.
So, here are the pictures from her bloggie of the Bis Scotties when she took them out of the oven.

(hah, we should have gotten two bags, there are two of us!)
Alas.....when they got here, muzzer had a non functioning camera, and by the time the DOM figure out what was wrong, me and Teka had eaten all the Bis Scotties except for a few crumbs.
But they were mightily delicious and we do gratefully thank our wonderful sissie for sending them.
Just of the great things about living in Virginia is that Me n Teka will be close enough to take the train up to Dee See and have sleepovers with E.Rabbit!