04 July 2010

T-12 aka July 4!

This is a photo of the Central Staging Area
formerly know as the living room
Here I am helping Muzzer keep track of
which paintings she has packed so far.
One of these boxes says "Renzulli, Bill."
Teka knows that is one of the whippet servants
so she is hoping that if she finds the box

with "Renzulli, Bill" in it, she can get a
ride to Pah Duke Her to visit Swede William
and the gang and get out of helping to pack.
Good luck Teka.
Happy Holiday to all our friends in the US of A
where we are celebrating Independence Day.
Big BBQ across the street in about an hour.
Y'all Come, ya hear?


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

My, that's easy ride, don't have to do tricks for food, I'm coming for the BIG BBQ, I wish everyday is BBQ day.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with getting out of the packing thing, Teka. You're pretty darn smart so I bets you can figure it out!

Have a Most Happy and safe 4th of July!

Wiggles & WAgs,

Duke said...

It looks like you've been packing up a storm, guys!
We'd love to come to the BBQ!
See you soon!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy FoURth of WOO-ly!


Lacy said...

w00fs, wow everybody is having a cookout..we had ours, just me mama daddy and the bear...looks like the packing is coming along nicely...happy 4th to u all..lovs yas..

b safe,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Way too much work going on there. We will see if we can make it to the bbq.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

TwoSpecialWires said...

By the looks of all those boxes, it appears you and your people are making good progress. But we're hoping your stuffies aren't yet packed AND we're hoping that your dad is still taking care of himself. Sounds like BBQ might be a perfect reinforcement right about now. Hope it was good.

Happy 4th,
Jake and Fergi

Patience-please said...

Swede William: Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Eric said...

Yoohooo Gussie! Is my greeting echoooooing round your empty rooms? Time to try out your barking excercises I would say. Our nice deep ones that would scare the neighbours not Teka's little russelly yip a yaps.

Oh yeah better not scare the neighbours if we are all invited to the bbq. You better stay on the right side of them for a week longer in case Muzzer packs your food early. Like she prolly has hers and your Dad's, Egg and olive sammy's? Fried? Poached? Hard Boiled? Whatever. Never heard the like but I'll give it a go. Hope they made Dad feel better but I bet your the best medicine Gussie.

Wiry love and get well wishes for Dad. Eric xxx

Asta said...

Suwe could go fow a BBQ niammmmmmmm
we can't evew do that in ouw apawtments..they send the fiwetwucks if you do, hehehe

you have a weal Wenzuli Bill???
Wow I didn't know you wewe big time collectows of faboolous awt. I would take the painting out, put Teka in, and sen it off to Pah Doo Kah, hehehehehe evewyoe wins!
smoochie kisses
pee ess whos a huddled mass???and I think it was auntie julie apologising..she nevew stops talking yak yak yak

William Tell said...

You know, I think if you folded Teka just right, she might fit into one of those taller boxes. Then you could ship her on ahead of you to square away the unpacking part. Make herself useful, so to speak. Just a thought. :)

Happy Tails,
William Tell

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Now Gussie...without a thumb how do you tear the tape? Or fold the boxes for that matter?

You have a ton of boxes.

Please don't let Muzzer lift all of those...they are too heavy...aren't there any Mastiffs around who could pull some of those around?

I guess since I'm grounded, Mumsie might let me go and help you guys....ask Muzzer...I promise I'll leave the lingerie here...maybe.

Kisses Gussie and Teka...

Laciecakes xxxxxoooo

Remington said...

Looks like a lot of work! Hope you had a great 4th!