So instead of her regular "walk my dogs"
fuschia loafers....

which have the advantage of making her feet look more
like normal sized!

And this dorky hat on her head
And carrying a dumb brella

Me and Teka have been doing mostly this

And praying for my friend Tucker,
who has not been well for some time,
and now is refusing to eat
Please join me and Teka in invoking the power of the paw.
a note from the muzzer:
This is our first attempt at loading photos with the new browser.
It is INDEED as terrible as all of you have said.
Plus it screws up the spacing.
Mom wants your muzzer's walking shoes - both styles akhtually - although it does appear my mom will need two per foot -
We saw Tucker's Mom's post - and we went and updated my FrEYEday post fur him -
It has rained here all day - I akhtually didn't want to go out until after dinner - THEN I sat out fur an hour - boy, am I good and spongie now!
PeeEssWoo: I'm sorry to see woo had the same fun as we did - we switched bakhk and will stay switched until we have no choice - maybe we'll be more serious about our wordpress version by then
Hope the rain ends soon. And we are all crossing our paws here for Tucker - we all know the power of the paw.
We tried the new blogger thingie too and it worked OK but our pics all looked very small.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Where is our long and funny comment? Blogger just stole it....
Lacie Cakes
Oh...we're gonna go over and see our buddy Tucker, poor guy...
Love ya kids,
Sorry about your friend, Tucker. I have my paws crossed!
It's so embarrasing walking with our moms when they dress all crazy, isn't it, Gussie, but thank doG for unbrellas. Mom does share that with us!
Our paws are crossed for Tucker.
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Sorry about the rain -- we had it here for a day and night and a day -- and got pretty soggy. And Mom couldn't even find our raincoats (BOL).
As for the fiendish new picture procedures -- I thought it was us. Glad it isn't -- but sorry everyone else has to experience it too. If switching back works, we'l do that.
Love those shoeses.
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
Old Girl has regular walking clothes, too! Silliness. Hope your rain goes away, and your friend gets better soon!
Heehee...DUMB-brella! I likes your mom's rain clothes. Do you all like the rain? We don't. But that's okay cuz it hasn't rained here in about 5417825 days.
Thank you for telling us about your furend, Tucker. Our paws are crossed real tight for him.
Wiggles & Wags,
Your friend Tucker will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Agg. Rotten old rain. Don't walkie in it do you? Course I don't. And won't. Even if Mom has the umbrellas with me's on it. Got you on it too Gussie. Sorry not you Teka. You must of been in bed when we was posing for the painting.
Poor Tucker not eating....got to run over and take some terrier tenaciouses with me, thanks Gussie for barking.
Wiry love Eric xxx
The new interface on blogger is a big stinker. I am clinging to the old one.
Rain sucks.... it totally messes up my reputation when I have to walk with a woman with PINK boots. I like your mum's duck boots better.
You are looking mighty handsome, and Teka seems very cozy despite the rain!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
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