30 November 2010

Coming soon to this blog.

OK guys, I thought I would give you fair warning.

On the fifth of December, I will have been with Muzzer and Dad for FIVE YEARS!

And they have been wonderful, and fun, and marvelous. The years. The pawrents are a bit boring, ya know?

So muzzer asked what I wanted for my gotcha day. And I said "Peace on earth, a job for George, more time with Aunt Re, and Teka disappears."

So we decided that she could work on those things long term, but in the short term, I get a trip to Petsmart BY MYSELF, Without TEKA and for the first five days in December, for everydog or dog fambly that comments on my blog or on Facebook OR drops me a line at GUSDAGGERWFT at GMAIL dot com Muzzer will put one green paper in the pot, and at the end, we will send 1/2 to Fox Terrier Rescue and 1/2 to Petfinder.com. Peoples who want to make muzzer cry can do one of those every day for five days. I think that is it.

You can tell friends and families, and all of you are invited to my Gotcha Day Pawty at the Jefferson Hotel in Downtown Richmond on December 5th. But don't tell muzzer. I want the bill to be a sooprize!



Remington said...

What a great idea! Party? Did I hear party? I am on my way!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a great plan, Gus. Now we think we can go along with all of your desires except for that last one - don't think that is going to happen, pal. AND you are having a pawty at a hotel - pretty fancy schmancy, Gus. We will try to find our way there.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Duke said...

We hope you get everything that you want for your gotcha day, Gussie. hummmmmm, not sure Teka will disappear but a guy can dream for a second, right?!
Your pawty sounds like lots of fun!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Bocci said...

What a great idea for a birthday celebration!
We intend to copy this for my birthday next year, if you don't mind...

Happy Birthday a bit early!

Asta said...

Youw selflessness (xept fow the pawt about no Teka, hehehehe)
and Muzzew awe bof making us get leaky eyes..Is ist Decembew yet????
umm, wel I think you should have the gwandest celebwationevew!!!!
I'm going out to look fow a gown fow youw pawty at the jeffewson hotel
smoochie kisses

Anonymous said...

Oh, how very much exciting Gussie! Happy almost Gotcha Day! Thank you, thank you to you and muzzer for donating green papers in honor of your Gotcha Day! That's just Most Wonderful!

Oh, and Brudder Ranger says you can send Teka here cuz he says he thinks she's kinda cute "for a jack russell."

Wiggles & Wags,

Jake of Florida said...

We're in!!! What a great idea. Why didn't our mom think of it when I had my Five-Year Gotcha Day in September????

And we're all geared up for the pawty too!! A dawg-friendly hotel??? Jefferson would be proud.

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

Unknown said...

Early Happy Gotcha Day Gussie! Can we send my Big Sister Jessie off with Teka? (She just growled at me when I tried to play with her!)

Many thanks to Muzzer for her great idea!

Your pal,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a pawesome thing fur Muzzer to do!

Maybe woo khould get NPR to khover it!

PeeEssWoo: Perhaps Teka khould be a SPECIAL pledge drive 'gift'

Lacy said...

w00fs ahhh gussie, u wood miss teka sooo much...i can trade ya jodee for teka for a few days..and me loves the idea of the green papers for rescue and petfinder..

b safe,

TwoSpecialWires said...

Gussie. You are so kind and generous. Even if you do make out to be a big mean toughie with sweet little Teka. We love your idea ... you know how special rescue and adoption are to us. (And ... we have to be honest ... the more secure and experienced we become in our forever home, the more we like parties. Count us in!)

Jake and Fergi

(Pick out a good something at PetsMart!)

Anonymous said...

Great idea. Hope you get LOTS of comments!

The Black and Tans. said...

Brilliant idea Gus! Can we come to your pawty too?

Molly, Taffy and Monty

Rudy said...

What an astounding idea Gus, a very good deed indeed ;) Hope you get everything on your wishlist....except Teka going away, we know you love her in your own special way. Have a blast at your pawty. Happy Gotcha Day Gus!


pam said...

Oh how we loves a party!!!

Bobo and Meja

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Hey Gus!


One day khloser to GUS DAY #5!!!!!


Asta said...

I think this is the best way to celebwate a Biwfday..I too will do it next yeaw!
Thank you fow having such a big heawt.
And I can't wait fow the PAAAAWTY!
smoochie kisses

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Gussie...when is Muzzer going to post about Teka's Gotcha Day?


It's OK, Teka...I'll kick the boyz out and you can live here!!