Mackie got to go HOME today!
His mom and dad picked him up after 4:00 this afternoon EST
and except for a zipper, a cone, and special instructions on
diet and activity, things are back to "normal' at his house.

Here is a picture of his zipper.
Man...that looks uncomfortable.
Everyone can now uncross one ( 1, uno) paw
The rest can remain crossed for the time being.
Oh that's wonderful news, Gussie - I'm so happy for Mackie! But Yikes - that is one scary looking 'zipper'!! Hope it heals quickly!
Honey the Great Dane
Oh boy, that brings back memories of Phantom's nasty zipper. Hope Mackie heals quickly. So good to know he is well enough to go home. Paws crossed for continued healing.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I'm sure they are hiding the sokhks!
Hey Gussie,
Our mom says that Maclie has a very professional stitching job there. We always get our zippers coated with Neosporine ointment to cut down the chance of infection, speed healing and reduce (not eliminate) scarring. We bet his die t restriction include not eating socks or other cloth material. Keep us posted on his recovery, please. We'll keep the Good Vibe machine cranked up for a few days just be on the safe side.
Thank you fow that update..I twied not to look, but had to cause I needed to know just how stwongly I need to cwoss my paws..just to be on the safe side..I'm keeping them all cwossed Poow sweetie
I hope he can west and heal
smoochie kisses
YIKES! That looks sore but we are so happy that Mackie is home! Lots of AireZen is heading his way!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
YIPPEE! Oh, I am so very much glad that he's home! I hope his ouchie heals up real soon. And I think he should make up some story abouts how he was protecting his family from wild lions and that's how he got the scar.
Wiggles & Wags,
Now that looks like it would really hurt. Hope all heals quickly....
All that from eating a sock? Ugh! And the cone of shame to boot. Poor Mackie! Bet he feels like he was run over by a truck. Hope you're back to normal real soon, pal, and try not to swallow any more fabric when you're defluffing the stuffies. Good safety tip for all of us.
Happy Tails,
William Tell
That's some zipper you have there! Eeek! I only looked through my fingers...ouch! Give your brother extra kisses!
P.S. We call our Gus, Gussie too :)
Oh, we are thrilled that Mackie is home and on the road to recovery! Like I mentioned before, it gives Parental Unit chills to think of the many surgeries her ornery Wire Fox, Carson, had-many a "zipper" had he!
Rest up, Mackie!
We are so happy to see you home - but yikes! What a zipper! We are keeping our paws crossed until that cones comes off! PLease do not eat any more socks - lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
Nice to know I'm sure they are hiding the sokhks!
Thank you for sharing.
So glad Mackie is home...keep healing and get well soon!!! PS - let the hu-family spoil you silly! Husky hugs!
How upsetting, after all this time, that your hoomans decided that you needed your toofies brushed. We feel for ya.
Oh I hope he is feeling better very soon. No more sock eating I hope. here is that website I found http://www.k9stud.com/viewalldogs.aspx
OMD...Mackie??? We hadn't heard about this...a SOCK???
And that zipper...it's hoooooooge...we must run over there right now...sheech...how did we miss this?????
Lacie et al
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