Good Morning, Dogs of the Blogosphere. It is I, Eartha Kitteh.
This lady I live with E. Rabbit says it is a very important day today. At first I thought she was still just happy from watching those Cardinals from St. Louis win the baseball game last night, but it turns out she was talking about it being that lady named Muzzer's birthday.
Here is a picture of that lady named Muzzer with that dog who is my cousin, Teka.
I have only met this lady called Muzzer once, and it was on MY Eartha Birth-a-day. And she bought me all kinds of presents -- anchovies and sardines and caviar!
So I have to work on finding a good present for her. To that end, I am watching the area that MOUSE I gave E. Rabbit came out of, in the hopes of catching one for that Muzzer.
She can either have it stuffed and mounted as a decoration, or enjoy it as a side dish with her birth-a-day cake.
Until I catch her a mouse, though, I thought I'd enlist all of you doggies in helping me and that dog who is my uncle, Gus, and that other dog who is my cousin (and maybe a witch), Teka, and E. Rabbit and E. Beth and that guy they call dad in wishing her a HAPPY BIRTH-A-DAY.