17 October 2011

Eartha's Birth-a-day Wishes

Good Morning, Dogs of the Blogosphere. It is I, Eartha Kitteh.

This lady I live with E. Rabbit says it is a very important day today. At first I thought she was still just happy from watching those Cardinals from St. Louis win the baseball game last night, but it turns out she was talking about it being that lady named Muzzer's birthday.

Here is a picture of that lady named Muzzer with that dog who is my cousin, Teka.

(I am not sure if that dog Teka is in disguise now, or if she is usually in disguise, and this picture reveals her secret identity)

I have only met this lady called Muzzer once, and it was on MY Eartha Birth-a-day. And she bought me all kinds of presents -- anchovies and sardines and caviar!

So I have to work on finding a good present for her. To that end, I am watching the area that MOUSE I gave E. Rabbit came out of, in the hopes of catching one for that Muzzer.

She can either have it stuffed and mounted as a decoration, or enjoy it as a side dish with her birth-a-day cake.

Until I catch her a mouse, though, I thought I'd enlist all of you doggies in helping me and that dog who is my uncle, Gus, and that other dog who is my cousin (and maybe a witch), Teka, and E. Rabbit and E. Beth and that guy they call dad in wishing her a HAPPY BIRTH-A-DAY.


Gus said...

Thank you Eartha Kitteh...I will happily accept the next mouse you catch, and designate E.Rabbit as my stand in at the ceremony.

Gussie is also confused by the real identity of the Teka dog, but feel the bitchy witchy costume suits her personality.

feeling older
the muzzer

Fred said...

Happy birthday to the Muzzer! Good luck catching her a mouse. I'm sure she will appreciate such a thoughtful gift.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Birthday to the Muzzer - we hope she has a great day and shares her cake with Gussie and Teka. We also will be rooting for the Cardinals.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Eric said...

Yoohoooo!!! Happy Barkday Muzzer. I remembered Eartha cos Muzzer and M Square and Uncle George are almost barkday triplets. Smashing eh?

Need a paw to help catch the mousie? I like 'em lightly fried served with mushy peas and mash. How's about you?

Kisses kitty. Eric xxx

Duke said...

Happy birthday, Muzzer!
We like the idea of the mousie being a side dish, Eartha! PERFECT!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy Gotcha Day to Muzzer!

I'll keep wearing all my RED!


Shane Kent Louis said...

happy Happy Barkday Muzzer! we wish you all the best and I hope you enjoy your day! :)

It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence

Dexter said...

Happy Birthday to Muzzer! Oh, and I think a mouse would be an excellent gift myself.


Unknown said...

Oooh - so sorry I'm so late but Belated Happy Birthday to Muzzer!! I hope you found her a nice big, SQUEAKT mouse! Hee! Hee!

Honey the Great Dane

Anonymous said...

Oh, no! I can't believes I missed Muzzer's birth-a-day! I hope she had a Most Wonderful and Happy day and I KNOW she's gonna luvs your pressie to her, Eartha. Maybe I should sends her some nice horse poop to roll in!

Wiggles & Wags,

PeeS. I never thought about Teka being a maybe-witch in disguise!

TwoSpecialWires said...

We wished Muzzer a Happy Birthday (at least we THINK OurMoma sent the best wishes ... but she's pretty forgetful these days ... she prob'ly thinks she did but really didn't). Anyway ... we were just thinking. If you never catch that mouse, we happen to know where four, yes FOUR RATS are hiding out. Down on our ping pong table ... where they've been for months. Yes MONTHS. It seems at one time OurMoma thought we deserved some rats ... but for some reason (prob'ly the forgetful one) there they still sit. We think they're prob'ly dead.

Anyhow ... they are available, 'cause it looks like WE are never gonna get them.

(Does Muzzer like rats)

Jake and Fergi

The Thuglets said...

Happy Birthday to Muzzer! Sorry we are late.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Auntie Muzzer...

Happiest belated Barkday...did you eat CAKE? With frosting? (Lacie starts to drool horribly over the keyboard...)

Did Teka and Gussie bring you breakfast in bed???

Now I must insist you remove that witchy costume from that dear girlie...I think it might give her a complex and require therapy...


Miss Lacie Teacakes

Remington said...

Happy belated birthday to your mommy! I hope it was a great day!

Asta said...

Eawfa Kitteh
I hope you think of an even mowe spectacoolaw pwesent fow that Lady called Muzzew cause I know hew and know hew sweet scwitchies and kisses and soft voice and I love hew vewy much and plus she has the same Biwfday as my Daddi which means she is extwa soopew special , plus she is the muzzew of my love Gussie and pwactically welated to me because of that so give hew my smoochiest kisses to help hew celebwate and don't let that othew doggie (who sometimes is a witchie) spoil any of the fun

ASTAwoni (Gussie's pupcake)

Asta said...

My dawlingest Gussiekins
I hope you have a most wondewful weekend
I miss you
smoochie kisses

Unknown said...

Hi Gussie & Teka (& Muzzer!) - just a quick note to say hello and see if you're OK as I had't heard from you in a while and you haven't updated your blog either...maybe you're off on another roadtrip? :-)

Anyway, hope you're all well!

Honey the Great Dane

Asta said...

I miss you my sweet, I hope you'we OK and Muzzew is not having to wun to St Loolis too much

It looks like we might have to move in mid Janooawy aweady..I'm a little scawed
smoochie kisses

Anonymous said...

Oh My Dawg.

So Gus, I just tawdled over to your place from Maggie and Mitch's blog because my peep wants your lemon pizelle recipe (I can't imagine why because we don't have one of those mold thingeys to make them) when I noticed you live where I live. How cool is that?

Aroo, Stuart
PS Hop over to my place for a visit. www.scottiechronicles.com

FiveSibesMom said...

Here's hoping Muzzer had a very Happy Birthday!!!

Princess Patches said...

OMD! We missed Muzzer's Birthday! (I'm pretty sure my mom told her, "Happy Birthday" on Facebook, but now it's MY turn). I know I'm over a month late, but Happy Birthday, Muzzer! We hope it was a good one!
