01 April 2012

Most wonderful weekend.

Actually...it didn't start out so great.
Because on Friday I went and got groomed.

And while they are nice folk at Dogma, that is not
my favorite way to spend a Friday, ya know.

But Miss Asta and I BOTH go groomed on Friday,
so we decided to celebrate a bit.

Luckily my sissie E.Rabbit was visiting, and she said
I could borrow her little blue car, which is quite speedy.

If you would like to see all the photos of our adventure
Asta's Mommi made us a smilebox, which you can see

Now I got to figure out a way to turn this bloggie ORANGE
for April.



rottrover said...

We saw the smilebox. What a wonderful time you had!!

-Bart and Ruby

Duke said...

You look great, Gussie - not a fur out of place! We just came from Asta's blog and it looks like the two of you had a grand time!

Love ya lots,

Asta said...

Gussie my sweet,

I'm still dweeming of ouw lovely weekend.
that little bloo caw is pawfect..so speedy, it hawdly took any time to get to Pawis.

Did Muzzew enjoy the anti Q books we found fow he?
Mommi said, she was happy that you and I awe big weadews too, heheheh(didn't tell hew we spent most of ouw time eating, and kissing

can't wait to see you again
smoochie kisses
youw Asta

Dexter said...

Grooming does require patience, but it is so worth it.


Unknown said...

Ooooh...well, I have to say, you look so nice that the grooming was sure worth it! :-)

Honey the Great Dane

Oskar said...

If you have to get groomed, at least you got to do it with the beautiful Miss Asta, even if it is long distance.

Nubbin wiggles,

kingslandkennels said...

Nice blog

Treadmill said...

Good info! Thanks for sharing with us on your blog.

World of Animals, Inc said...

Gussie, we know that you looked so beautiful after your grooming. We hope your sissie E. Rabbit liked your new haircut. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful weekend.
World of Animals