22 July 2012

Bon Voyage Bussie!

My great pal and inspiration
My longtime mentor and friend
Buster W. Smith
Has crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

I join all his pals in celebrating 
his life and many loves.

I know he was met at the Bridge
by Terrier Pals and  honorary terriers.   
Legion in numbers and strong in Spirit(s).

Bussie had a joie de vivre most awesome.
He will long be remembered in songs and poems,
and will live furever in the hearts of his family and friends.

The most awesome set of wheels awaited him at the Bridge
filled with beautiful female dogs,  libations and treats.

Drive carefully Bussie, I'd like to have a chance to 
drive your car when I join you.



Duke said...

We are so sad to hear this news. We know that angel Maggie has already welcomed angel Bussie and they're having a wonderful time together. Bussie was one of our first friends when we started blogging.

Love ya lots
Mitch and Molly

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

So sorry to hear about your friend Bussie. We are sure he had quite the entourage of wonderful furries to welcome him home.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Jake of Florida said...

We had no idea our Floridian pal had crossed the Bridge. We're sending his mom, aunt Elaine our sad wirey kisses and love to help her through this lonely time.

Jake and Just Harry ...and mom.

Remington said...

Sorry to hear this....

Asta said...

My sweetest Gussi

My love, you know how to comfowt me and make me laugh even while I'm cwying about the loss of ouw deew fwiend..youw heawt makes me sing..please oh, please don't evew leave. I don't think I coold beaw that..so don't make those dwiving plans, not till I can go wif you
Smoochie kisses
Yoow Asta

The Black and Tans. said...

We were so shocked when we heard the news. Buster was larger than life and we will miss him.
Run free Bussie and try not to create too much chaos at the Rainbow Bridge.

Asta said...

My Sweetes Gusi,

Thank you fow shawing my adventoowe..I wish you and Muzzew coold have been thewe fow weel.
The weathew has gotten all hot and muggie again wif Dundewdowms(but I'm bwaave), I also gots some blood stolen again and am going latew to talk to dogtow to see if I'm OK,meantime mommi is painting and wowwying about how little time thewe is fow all of it(sheeesh)

I DO feel OK, so don't wowwy
I hope you'we having a bootiful week
smoochie kisses
youw ASTA

The World According to Garth Riley said...

Beautiful tribute Gussie.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Gussie...yo made us feel better about Buster's moving on to the Bridge...course, you make us feel better 'bout anything by the way you paw it...

We will miss dear Bussie; what a flirt that boy was...we have since found out that he married about twelve of us...and all at the same time....

XXOO Lacie

ILoveDogs said...

It is so sad...

ILoveDogs said...
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World of Animals, Inc said...

Bussie looked like a sweetheart and look seeing him riding in the basket on the bicycle. Thanks for sharing the lovely tribute to him. Have a wonderful rest of your week.
World of Animals