with apologies to Rickie Nelson:
I'm a travellin' dog, made a lot of stops
All over the South
And at every stop I've put something
yucky in my mouth!
HaHaHa, I thought that was pretty funny. Seriously, Rest Stops are great places to find odd and unusual snacks. I'm a gourmand when it comes to cigarette butts, cigarillo tips, small pieces of various and sundry fast and greasy food, plastic bits and pieces, corks, you name it, I'll try to eat it! Muzzer says the best thing she ever did was to practice the "drop it" command. Boy, have we practiced it this trip! I'm not always good about it, but it has worked often enough that I haven't gotten sick on this trip. There was this dead squirrel in Nashville that was really hard to part with, and muzzer didn't want to touch it, but I figured I needed the brownie points big time! Ah, the memories, the memories.
My favorite stop this trip was at Friendship Village, where my Aunt Marie and Uncle Ray live. With a bunch of other older humans who are dog deprived. The Gus Fan Club met any time I walked through the lobby! Strolled down the hall! Chased the geese in the pond! I got lots of petting and lots of extra treats. We are going to make a poster for Uncle Ray to put up next time I'm going to visit. That way, people can make appointments for my consultations. Knowing Uncle Ray, he's gonna charge a dime a minute. But I'll make sure the Terrier Rescue group gets their cut!
We are in Kentucky tonight, and on the way home. My own bed. My own sofa. My own window! I have included a view of the new stadium in St. Louis, for those of you who are baseball fans.
1 comment:
Boooo... I like Busch stadium better.
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