This morning after church we all walked back to the Plaza, just to do the "Tourist" thing and see some of the special places around there. Mass at the Cathedral was just letting out, and we watched the Mariachi play their instruments on the plaza in front of the Cathedral. They were very good, and they made such happy music I wanted to do the terrier dance! Muzzer took pictures of the Mariachi and the crowd gathered around them, but I had my own circle of fans.

After that, we walked around the outside of the square to the Loretto Chapel. There is a very famous staircase inside, and the parents took turns going in to see it while I waited outside with my fan club. Santa Fe is a very popular place to vacation, and many people do not bring their dogs along. After a very short time, they get very lonely for canine company, so when I go for walks here, I almost always attract a number of admirers. Anyway, even though I could not go into the chapel, I let dad take the camera and he got some fine shots of the stairway and some of the altar, which is very beautiful. The stairway goes up into the choir loft, and there is no center pole or support. I wish they would let me see it for myself, but I am happy to have the pictures and to be able to share them with you.
Later we went for a ride up into the hills, and looked at all the beautiful houses set into the hillsides. No pictures though. Dad was driving and muzzer cannot work the camera while the car is moving because it makes her sick to her stomach. Believe me, that is not a pretty sight. I will send postcards instead.
Buenos Noches amigos y amigas, hasta manana
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