My Muzzer is usually a woman of exceptionally good taste and classic elegance. However, today she went shopping at Teca Tu (my favorite pet boutique in Santa Fe) and came back with this totally tacky tourist bandana! I am somewhat mortified to be seen in it, but she is well meaning and has good intentions, so I am wearing it occasionally to humor her. The fact that there were also several high class treats in the bag which have not yet surfaced may have something to do with it. Hey, I can be bought, but it isn't cheap.
Tomorrow dear old dad leaves for Birmingham, Alabama to do his dog and pony show for "We the People." Will someone tell me how he can do a dog and pony show if he doesn't have a pony and is leaving the dog at home? It is this kind of philosophical inquiry that fills my days, you know. Inquiring dogs want to know!

Muzzer also brought home this cute kitty puppet. She puts it on her hand and makes noises that she thinks sound like a kitten. So naturally, I have to snatch it off her hand and vanquish it. This is a fun new game, and the kitty is still relatively whole and I have had him/her for more than five hours!
Send good thoughts to my friend Axel who is suffering from the raging itchies. He is seeing a new vet tonight who might be able to help him. WFTs often get the itchies. I think it is a Princess and the Pea kind of thing, because we are so well bred and refined that we are extra sensitive. I've had itchies myself a time or two and they are no fun! Good luck with the new doc, Axel.
Well, that's it for now. Gotta get a good nights sleep because my guard duty starts early tomorrow morning! Catch y'all later.
ps. To my friends on the east coast and in the Midwest....remember, I am going to be living in Phoenix, where it is routinely well over 100 degrees. This time of the year, it can be that warm by 10:30 am. Makes walkies a real adventure. A real SHORT adventure!
Oh Gus. . .that bandana might be the ugliest thing I've ever seen, but if anyone can pull it off you can.
Yeah, well kid, I've SEEN those pictures of you and E.beth in matching outfits, and my bandana doesn't even come close on the tacky scale!
Yeah, well kid, I've SEEN those pictures of you and E.beth in matching outfits, and my bandana doesn't even come close on the tacky scale!
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