Teka and I have a new game! We call it Bullwinkle Tug. It is a variation on Elmo Tug, which is a variation on Green Tug, which is a variation on Sock Tug (which we are not allowed to play any longer, because the result is unauthorized unmatched socks!)
Bullwinkle tug is the best yet! Bullwinkle has four legs, two ears, two moose horns and a nose! That makes one more way to tug on him than any other toy we have! Sqrll was not a good tug toy, may he rest in peace, and Octopus did not even last long enough to write about. But Bullwinkle is a STRONG moose, and we can even let Travis grab on to an appendage without serious damage.
I know Bullwinkle will succumb to the terriers some day, but until then he is a great toy! I think he likes this better than chasing after Natasha!
Gus, the scarf. Seriously. I'm going to make you something more masculine from my knitting for dogs book so you can stop wearing old lady prints all the time.
i think the scarf is reelly cute! tee hee! gussie is cute!
msThank you Ivy. I shall ignore E.Rabbit, who is, after all, a relative!
I think your most handsome in your scarf, Gus! Mum says you remind her a little of my WFT cousin, Suki! Although, you're much younger and spry! Suki is already 14 years old!
Not to mention, sunflowers are very becoming!
-Liberty, The Sunflower
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